yes...its is said.. but it see... - Diabetes India

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yes...its is said.. but it see...

cure profile image
15 Replies

yes...its is said.. but it seems diabetes caught is link..

@Georgejee......This is one more burn out....Due to failed ADA guidelines....

@ Dawood ...... Bhai....plz follow LCHF...or at least long wheat.....

What to do??? Long wheat is not available in Pakistan..But you can very well follow LCHF.

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cure profile image
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15 Replies

Many Diabetics generally don't follow any diet. 

patliputra profile image

Long wheat no problem for DON. He can get it anywhere.  Pleople don't readADA recommendation and start blaming . This blame games has many novice takers.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to patliputra

Boss its our doctors to be blamed first.....I am really surprised that why doctors are not educating diabetic patients about problems of carbohydrates. Shashikantjee is right in pointing out that many doctors are promoting Marie biscuits.

There is no doubt...and I guess you will also agree that reducing carbs is first step to control blood sugar.

Non of doctors are stressing this point.

Forget novice takers.....what about well educated and learned elites??

or should I say they are smarter and fooling novice???

MikePollard profile image

Not a very popular man, but notwithstanding. a sober lesson in the consequences of runaway T2 diabetes.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to MikePollard

He is the most wanted criminal for india mike. And you gyus also must know about him because of his ties with terrorism.

suramo profile image


Forget doctors. What about dietitians and nutritionists? Aren't they supposed to update their knowledge ? Legally Doctors are not supposed to give advice about diet and nutrition. Ya. Don't get surprised. Even after a surgery dietitians are supposed to take care of the diet of the patients . Go to any big hospital like apollo and you will find that post op diet care is taken by qualified dietitians.

karch profile image
karch in reply to suramo

@suramo...What about endocrinologists or doctors supposed to be specialized in dealing with diabetes. I have visited 2 of them in Delhi and Bangalore and none of them suggested anything special related to carbs...except the medicines ...finally disappointed with so called specialist , I started searching on Internet and luckily found the pointer of this site ...I am sure that the same case may be there with many of us in this forum...many go for alternatives rather than doctors: like patanjali 

Why will they worry to upgrade their knowledge knowing patients are bound to come back again...even though they are disappointed...source of income for years :) Doctor throw the ball in dietitian's court and dietitian in doctor's court ...why not they work hand in hand to "solve the actual problem"  rather seeing patient as their long term source of income :) specially in case of diabetes 

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to karch

Doctors are not taking even first what is cause of diabetes...They have all tests available with them retina...foot checking..ecg...everything...but non is asking for Insulin test...and try to find out IR and advise on how to reduce IR..

Also If diabetes is problem of carbs....they they will never advise to reduce/control carbs...Instead they will prescribe sulfonylurea ...increase ur insulin and push you more deep.Make perfect arrangement that you will never come out of this.

Forget dieticians....they will enthusiastically recommend you oats....which they have never seen in life time. for them Oat means what you get in super market.I doubt if any of them have seen real Grain oats.


And best part is that you can not sue they are following standard protocol.

karch profile image
karch in reply to cure

How many of doctors told you about supplements  to stay away from complications of diabetes ...forget about many of them talked about small or big complications ...they want us to come back with more of complications ....for example how many doctors simply recommend simple zinc + probitic for Diarrhea ....first hand antibiotics only ....if antibiotics probiotic to restore the balance of system...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to karch


you seem to be angry with docs. But fact remains fact. Doctors are not trained for diet plans but dietiticians are. In india doctors are doing " jack of all master of none " practice. Our health system is the worst and anybody, even a 12 th fail can put dr before his/her name and start medical practice . The worst part of medical practice is that such practitioners get number of patients many of which are affluent and literate. Look around you and find literate people taking allopathy treatment from ayurvedic, homeopathic and even non doctors. We have doctors in every family in our society who advise you on any and every illness!!!

So each diabetic should have consulted a dietitian to know his/her diet plan. But very few of us would have even thought of consulting a dietitian.

I agree with you that doctors and dietitians should work together but a system has to be formed. Who will do that? Our inept politicians. Even our private hospitals are not fit enough to give real treatment to their patients. ICUs where round the clock qualified doctors who can read/ interpret ecg tracings must be present but you will find ayurvedas and homeos in icus. The whole scenario of medical practice is very gloomy in india.

suramo profile image


faulty education system which never allow people to think and learn. Crammers get best marks. Medical practice is like a pond. No inflow of newer knowledge.

suramo profile image

I agree anup

suramo profile image


everybody is not literate like you.

Bridges do collapse. Trains do collide and get derailed. Planes do crash. Engineers do not play with the human lives directly. Doctors do. We can't discern but our lives are guided by so many factors like religion and social customs for example. Certain facts are realized after a long time and after making so many mistakes. All the doctors can't be alike, money minded. Black ships are there in every profession. Our society has failed to evolve a right  system for us. Otherwise with such a huge population we can have such a strong data that the world has to look at us for the answers rather than looking to the west. Only time will change the situation. Our bad luck we have been born in india in an era where so much has been to be corrected.

And don't forget anup whatever you pronounce here is not your findings. Somebody somewhere worked a lot to find out what you call the right treatment. He/she/they must be doctors.

suramo profile image


i'm myself on lchf and improving . I will declare my results at suitable time. I just put some facts before you. Bashing someone or some community is very easy but if you be a part of that community you will realize the limitations. I just wanted you to be soft on doctors. 

Please look to the other side of the medical profession. Longevity and quality of life have improved a lot. Cardiac surgery, urosurgery, in utero blood transfusion, ct, mri, ultrasound. There are innumerable examples where surgeons and consultants together have saved lives and made living easy. Surgeons do by pass for example but then the physicians take over.

Every profession has short comings. Doctors also have. Think of the time when nothing was known about diabetes. Research done and someone coined a theory. Many people worked on that theory and came to a conclusion. It's not as easy as saying to come to a conclusion. Lots of work. Lots of money and lots of hindrances. Lots of failures and frustrations. Lots of successes and joy. First study on animals. Can be controlled. Then on humans. Phase 1-2-3. Human trials can't be perfectly controlled because of many fall outs and you have to comply with the laws of the land. There is another theory. Same pathway.

Then there are lots of deliberations, seminars, lectures. 

Now comes the pharma and other industries into play. May be one may be two theories accepted. Like high court and supreme court. One convicts. The other one acquits.

In our case the medical field has taken a wrong track but realizing that wrong track took long 40-50 years. During this perod all sorts of unwanted activities right from wrong propaganda to bribing doctors etc have taken place. Now gradually we have realized that we are on wrong track. Sonds of dissent will become stronger and gradually we will come on right track. Nobody can deny facts.

Let's wait for the best to happen.

karch profile image
karch in reply to suramo


I agree doctors are life savers most of the times ...I myself met doctors whose right step at right time changed the things...I am thankful to medical profession and have met doctors who are sharp witted and cramming part is not always true...But in the same know the doctors who do not have empathy to patient...what they all care is their fee and how soon they finish up with one and get next :)

There is infact no comparison of  doctors and engineers job....doctors duty is a tough job to do ...they see the sufferings of so man patients....I wonder how are the able to sleep in night after meeting many people with different problems during whole distracting 

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