Please tell me what kind of food I have to eat If control the blood sugar
Diet: Please tell me what kind of food I have... - Diabetes India

Sir,I don't know about LCHF diet means,Please tell me
Sir,First my blood sugar is FBS:274 and PBS: 374
20 days After using glitary mp2 tablet my
Random Blood sugar is 85-97
and PBS:127 after 1 and half hour
Are these readings are normal
Sir,can't i control blood sugar without medicine,If yes tell me Meal plan,I WILL BE VERY GRATEFUL TO YOU
does my son get this diabets
sir,My meals plan is
Morning 6:00 am methi powder with water
7:00 to 8:00 breakfast with Idly,Wheat ravva,Pesarattu
10:00 am butter milk or Guava or carrots,sparouts
12:00 pm Brown rice cooked rice of 100 gms of raw rice
2:00 pm Butter milk
4:00 pm murralu or chick peas of boild
6:00 pm carrot or nutrichoice raggi buiscuits
8:00 pm pulka of 2 pices
this is advised by Dietitian
Is this meal plan good for controlling sugar
Sir,But doctor told me that I can eat everything except sweets,sugar
I heard that I we don eat for long time blood sugar will be increased high after eating
is that true sir,pleas tell me
Check the biscuit packet for the amt of sugarb
Sure it will ne around 20%
Also the biscuit will be high in carb irrespective of ragi or wheat.
So 100% carb/sugar biscuit is not useful
Also it will have vegetable oil. Which oil? Not declared.
Maybe cheap soyabean oil which is atherogenic
Also preservatives.. which is harmful.
So any biscuit or all bakery items are junk
Start the diet called LCHF low carb high fat diet
Lots of reference in net. Both veg and non veg can adjust to this
Regarding nutrition the Dr's know less of it.
Regarding diabetes the nutritionists know less of it.
So the confusion prevails.
Just eat 3 times a day and not 6 times as suggested.
Insulin is beneficial as well as atherogenic. It's a double edged sword.
So the less number of times released the better.
Learn LCHF. I got my HBA1C to 5.2 from 7.2 after being on LCHF for 3 months.
In my experience if you reduce the quantity of rice intake the sugar will reduce considerably .avoid bread completely .
You can ask your queries related to diabetes to Diabetologists in Kerala online through Also there is Dieticians available who can help you to decide the diet for you.