may i know what should be the normal diet of a person who is just diagnosed with diabetes (though not very high but the disease in in his family) what should be taken and not taken , can any friend reply
diet for a diabetic ?: may i know what should... - Diabetes India
diet for a diabetic ?

From my last 2 years expereance,
Cut Sugar and Rice from your diet.. Avoid red meat.. If want eat meat then go for chicken and fish roasted.. Avoid backery item..Eat green vegitable more.. Fix quantity how much u eat.. Avoid over eating.. do exercise for 30 min atleast daily.. Dont know about smoking and drinking as i have no habit of it but can be avoided.. And along with all this think positive and keep spirit ON.
Smoking shud be STOPPED . Drinks, need not stop, BUT, reduce as much as possible...say 1 peg once or twice a week . Take red wine instead..
40 mins morning walk and 30-45 mins Yog...Helps
Take care pf ur diet...
thanks ,r deshpande
YOUR HEALTH IS IN YOUR MOUTH":-Read this book to cure yourself and
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Book recommendation:-
Hello Pramod,
Yes I have read your book and it is very interesting and I think what
you have to
offer can be very beneficial to help with the epidemic of diabetes,
which is
especially big in India.
What I can do is: I will be happy to post a link to your web site on
my "diabetes
cure" page, so that people can buy the book if they want.
In the future I would be willing to post the advertisement for your
book on my
site as well.
I could help get your book onto AMAZON so it can be sold through
Hargrave, MA
no coment
* Avoid single high concentrated meals.
* Small frequent meals.
* Food high in fibre content like vegetables, whole pulses, fruits, etc.
Ideal combination of diabetic diet should be:--
Carbohydrates: 55-60%.
Fat: 30%.
Proteins: 15-20% (0.8g /kg /body wt).
Fibres 40 g/day.
Do not eat at all:--
Sugar, jam, syrups, honey, sweets, chocolates, fruit juices, ice creams, cold drinks, glucose drinks, cakes and pastries, sweet biscuits, puddings and protein powder with sugar.
Eat in moderation:--
Bread, chapatis, oat porridge, cornflakes (No sugar), Cheese, butter, Noodles or spaghetti, macroni, Thick soups, Milk & milk products, Chicken, lean meat, fish.
Take unrestricted:--
* Salads (cucumber, tomato, onion, raddish, salad leaves).
* Vegetables (cabbage, baigan, lady fingers, french beans, methi, palak).
* Fruits (except banana, chockoo or mangoes).
* Sprouted beans and pulses.
* Marie biscuit (with less sugar).
* Clear soups, Lemon juice, Buttermilk
Thank you.. but without rice, i suffer from gas...
Thanx to all of u have taken time for us and sent the above GOOD NOTES on diaets for diabeties.
Thank you all.
Shyam Sharma (Sam)