I am a high BP patient, but it is under control now. My sugar level is FBS- 184 and PP is 337 on one occasion. I go for regular walk for 3-4 kms per day and now strictly avoiding sweets and rice products.
Hyperglycemia: I am a high BP patient, but it... - Diabetes India

Your numbers are unacceptably high.You have to adopt a multi pronged approach to bring down the sugar levels.Diet control,regular exercise,medication and a stress free life style play a decisive role.Regular monitoring at home and quarterly review by a well qualified diabetologist are essential.To practice all these you have to gain up to date knowledge about all aspects of diabetes..This is a good forum for this purpose.
How can I Reach You for the medicine (Are you a qualified ayurvedic doctor?
While writing such messages, kindly also write your WEIGHT BECAUSE IT PLAYS GREAT PART IN ONE'S DIABETESE. If u weight is more than normal weight , kindly bring weight normal weight for your age and height
n ahuja
go for insullin for some period
Mr. Anup, sorry, could you explain what BWT, CVD & CHD stand for? & also what do you mean by Hyper Responders.
For type I diabetes the problem is we have less insulin so we are advised to take more insulin by way of Tablets and injections. For Type II diabetes the problem is we have more insulin and instead of bring down the excess insulin we are advised to take more insulin. Where we have gone wrong is, in the treatment we are always concentrating on controlling the blood sugar instead of the insulin resistance. The more insulin resistance - the more blood sugar. An analogy is if we are severely infected with bacteria and because of that infection we have headache and we treat only headache , the bacterial infection will continue to progress . Here we continue to control blood sugar and at the same time the Insulin resistance continue to progress as we are not treating IR. That is why we need a life style change. To bring down IR it is a must that we have to take physical exercise or go for a long walk . Whenever possible we should try for a short fast as well. We have to STOP taking table sugar, reduce consumption of gluten rich genetically modified rice and wheat and try to take good quality vegetable fats more. The drug is not a solution- solution is only reducing IR. So when you meet doctor next time please ask him how to control insulin resistance. His advice in that line will be very valuable. People who had tried to control Insulin resistance had slowly stopped tablets , which they were taking for decades and are living happily free of diabetes( and not with controlled diabetes). Have a firm determination and God will guide you to lead a healthy life .
Your numbers are too high. Please reduce intake of carbohydrates. Eat foods with low glycemic index. Do this for one week, then test for sugar levels. If they continue to be high please consult a doctor immidiately.
Strange Sugar status. Better consult an expert Doctor.
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