How to recognise it. What are remedial measures to be taken to prevent it or to overcome it.
Is depression common among diabetics ? - Diabetes India
Is depression common among diabetics ?
Please could you explain ,what is clinical depression and depression ?
Most people are subject to depression to varying degrees.If one can live with out much difficulty and without medical attention it is just depression.But once it progresses to a stage where you need medical attention,it is called clinical depression.Now a days when the life is fast paced , expectations are high and competition is severe,some thing has to give because not all human beings are equipped to deal with such a stressful life.Primary problem is identifying the problem,accepting it as it is and do some thing about it.Number of anti depressants are available and all that one needs to do is consult a good doctor.Depression certainly aggravates diabetes and I can say that in many cases significant improvements can be achieved in diabetes numbers if depression is properly attended to.
yes,people are subject to varying degree of depression,but the problem is how to spot it.Most people don't even realise that they are suffering from,there are a few things which should be kept in mind by self or care taker of diabetic.
1. loss of pleasure or loosing interest in surroundings.
2. Change in sleep pattern,waking early in and not falling asleep again.
3. Change in apetite
4. Loss of concentration and feeling lethargic.
5. Feeling isolated and alone.
6. Feeling anxious and nervous all the time.
&. Feeling sadness in the morning.
Those are a few common symptoms and these should be attended to, before one is forced to take medication.
You have summed it up quite nicely.One important point about this is the role played by the family,friends and office colleagues.Unless they understand and help the person,it is difficult for the person concerned to come out of depression by himself.
I agree with you in totality.AS diabetic with advancing age and with the onset of diabetes related complications become more prone to go into depression,it becomes the responsibility of family ,friends and colleagues to recognise the symptoms of depression and help the affected person ,to come out of it. Even members of this forum can play an important role in helping the person.
DEPRESSION INCREASES THE RISK OF diabetes and diabetes increases the risk of depression.While certain factors such as physical activity and body mass index may partially explain the link between diabetes and depression, but they do not explain completely.
The common factor may be stress.People who are depressed have elevated levels of stress hormone,such as cortisone,which leads to problem with blood sugar metabolism,increased insulin resistance and accumulation of belly fat, all risk factors for diabetes.
But there is long term stress and strain associated with diabetes management and this can lead to decreased quality of life and increased possibility of depression.
Diabetes is really cruel like Terrorist. We wil have to kill it through research, trial and errors, or by grace from the Lord. It is troubling in al directions and not content!
Requesting all to do something for its check
We all share your pious sentiments. But for that collective effort has to be made. We must strive to educate people about every aspect of diabetes and its complications. Help people into healthy life style which include a regular physical activity and selection proper diet. It will be first step towards preventing occurrence of diabetes or minimising it's bad effects.
I concur with you,that one should accept the reality. But there is nothing to be happy about the disease. Yes diabetes can be more or less controlled , but it is not an easy job. It takes a lot of determination and discipline in life to achieve that goal. Many people fail in that objective due to varied reasons. Then I have seen so many persons going into depression and it leads to deterioration in their diabetic condition and some times onset of diabetic complications,which further aggravates depression and a vicious cycle sets in.
That is why as Venkataramana pointed help from family, friends and colleagues are so important,to break this cycle.
So ,one must understand the earliest symptoms of depression and make efforts to over come it. Depression is much more common than it is thought.
Yes if one is able to recognise depression,the first step forward has been taken. You are under care of good doctor but most of the doctors in semi urban ,rural, or even in urban areas ,do not recognise or care about depression. Of course all doctors say words soothing to ears,even if they know it is otherwise.
Ah,ha,do you think I am suffering from depression ? Any reason for that assumption .
let us pray to GOD,please do not bless any body with diabetes ,whether apparent or in disguise.