Prostate Cancer in men: I have learned that... - Diabetes India

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Prostate Cancer in men

17 Replies

I have learned that high fat specially red meat is responsible for prostate cancer in men,any comments

17 Replies
patliputra profile image

There is mounting evidence to support the view that red meat specially well done meat is related to prostate cancer. Even eggs accelerate the growth of pre diagnosed prostatic cancer.

I agree Sir,I am unable to stand why they propagate high fat theory,it may reduce blood sugar,but we have to asses its impact on the whole body's organs . Continues usage of high fat(as theirs version)may damage other body parts in the long run.

shrisamarth profile image

People are here to get experiences from others not for to learn failed health guidelines from health bodies. Indian full meal thali is much more balanced than Harvard's food plate.

I do not understand what do you want to communicate,shrisamarth ji

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

People visit forums for solutions. Not only medical but other types also. Most of them are not interested in technical knowledge. Mere talking about theory is useless.

If someone has some problem with his PC then he visits to some computer related forum where he will search for solution. Other member with some exepertise will suggest him something which will fix his problem with PC.

Similarly here if members post suggestions which will control someones diabetes and its complications then it will be more useful. The person will decide whose advice he should follow. So first priority should be share our experience and then suggest something accordingly. With so many members here we have very few discussions. If you have visited then you will notice the difference.

sonu1196 profile image
sonu1196 in reply to shrisamarth

well said shrisamanth

MRA13 profile image

I was under the impression that prostate enlargement, cancer etc. was associated with DHT. There were two testimonials in Manorama Aarogyam that pumpkin seeds can counter the effect of DHT and control prostate cancer. I got the seeds from USA and both my husband (65) and his brother (70+) now eats a few seeds regularly ( about a tablespoon of the kernels). Their problems in passing urine, getting up at night, problem starting, flow etc have become less/ nil. My FIL had prostate cancer so this measure.

I think this is well known in North India. Pumpkin seeds are just nutritious seeds with plenty of zinc. It won't hurt taking it if you are male and over/ near 60.

Google and you will see many testimonials and info in webmd.

I have no business interests. In fact, I would rather not disclose this as it might raise the demand and price of the seed.

If anyone tries, please keep the forum informed.

I think it is similar in action to Saw Palmetto .

Following particular website does not grants,that he/she is or will,fully exonerated from any disease . If following these websites a person can be disinfected of the disease,he may suffer or will suffer there will have no place for highly qualified doctors,and Hospitals in this word.Some of these websites are being operated by quakes who have no/or little knowledge of Medicals.

As regards followers of this or that website does not guarantees ,that they are actually practicing it . Just like one may have one lac followers of particular person on Facebook,but how are actually following is a guess work.

Hence no website is foolproof,it is for your reference,but you have to work out yourself your lifestyle,and follow it to keep yourself healthy.

Shrisamarth,you actually do not know what to convey the message,just explain in one line,do not give reffrence of any website

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

If you don't understand what I want to say then nothing more to tell.

In forums site references are important.

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to shrisamarth

Surprising few people here dictate how to answer as if they own the forum! Haven't seen this happen on any forum.

You reply to my specific question,whether fat particularly Red meat is responsible for prostate cancer or not.Medical fertility has proved it,that it aggravate it. Just answer yes or no?

makarim profile image

rksharmakumarji Be patient and listen.One point answer is only possible in science subjects.In this forum,nobody has the concrete proof of every thing.Everybody cites some wave sight.There is always experiments going through out .So please do not expect one point answer like yes or no.Thanks

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to makarim

@makarim -

"Yes" or "No" answers are more like what happens in Courts!

Forums are not Courts out to "convict" someone :D :D

Medical science has also proved that Sugar feeds cancer cells but they would never answer in a "YES" or "NO". Whole medical science says -- "MAY"

When they blame red meat they will never answer whether the red meat was natural or "processed" one and whether the study was "observational" or RCT. Observational studies are useless because Ancel Keys proved FAT is bad based on "observational" study but there are 72 studies to prove that it is not.

So someone looking through "black" glass will only believe one study of Ancel Keys and reject 72 studies which do rebut Ancel Keys. That's because they cannot see through the black glass that they try and see through :)

shrisamarth profile image

I am at least looking through yellow glass but you are looking from a black glass which has no visibility. :D

You ask members here about how much they are interested is technical details about blood sugar regulation . It is not my personal opinion. Most of them are here to find how they can reduce their BS or related problems.

And the computer expert, he becomes expert after years of practical experience not by theoretical knowledge.

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to shrisamarth

And through the "Black Glasses" someone is still seeing medfree everywhere instead of seeing how diabetics have improved on LCHF. Black Glasses are necessary to protect the eyes from the "Spark" that LCHF success creates. That's why they can't see LCHF's success.

Now you are going to be the next target of the anti LCHF lobby here, seeing you thru "Black Glasses" :)

Diabetics on LCHF surely know more than the doctor who prescribes High Carb and then drugs! They know more than the doctor on how to manage diabetes.

shrisamarth profile image

If it is absurd to study from forum then it is better to direct to that particular web site instead of writing long paragraphs. :)

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