If ppbs is 260 then what precautions shld b... - Diabetes India
If ppbs is 260 then what precautions shld b taken...can it b controlled

Medfree i just need to ask you about few things for me Egg is the only Option since Red Meat or Fish is no no for me as if now the problem with eggs is can't take em whole day to maintain LCHF diet i have to mix and match plus i where i live is damn Hot and i am scared of eating eggs would get me into serious indigestion considering i need to have them from now on , so i am planning to be on Milk ( 8g carb/150 ml ) with 1-2 digestive biscuits in Mornings in between i will take tea without sugar at noon i try eat 2 roti with sabzi ( 60 carb ) with some salad then in evening i be on butter milk or some almonds or tea or milk then at night i try to get 2-3 eggs omelet or boiled ? with milk is this ratio ok for LCHF diet ?
Don't take digestive. Avoid eating two rotis at a time. As far as possible restrict milk consumption. Replace biscuits with peanuts or almonds. Add lots of paneer, cheese, desi ghee, butter, VCO to your diet.
Calculate how much carbs you can tolerate and always limit them up to 100-120gm.
Thanks but i couldn't understand ( mother diary ) toned Milk supposed to be filled with fat and low carb ( relatively ) so avoiding it for some other reason ? well cheese and paneer hmm well good suggestion will keep in mind thanks still struggling for good BS readings ! .
The lactose content of milk is irrespective of fat content. Don't go for toned milk. It is artificially diluted milk. Always use full fat milk.
Toned milk contains 2-3% and full fat milk 6-7% fat.
Check BS after consuming milk if not much variation then take it limited quantity as your are already not in control of BS levels.
You Been so Kind thanks for the Help instant (pkg) vegetable soup should be avoided ? well here its difficult to get fresh milk (organic) absolutely impossible milkmen used to come like 7-8yrs back they were popular but then market was loaded with packet milk for them it become impossible to maintain profitability so now no option left but to get what is available . thank you for explaining the amount of eggs could be taken , i agree PPBS is very important i need to put my self into Egg and non Rice Diet non Wheat Diet for sometime and see how well it does work with my BS readings .
Thank you for sharing LCHF diets. In my case even a single boiled egg in B/F reduces my BSG by 20-30 points and always get the PP of below 140.
wow You made Diabetic Diet really tasty well i will try to keep up with the pace and try to reinvent few things too and will share my experience , with adding Egg to the diet i will go slow with adding more fat for now I'm Overweight too Plus i have hypertension but will be on Minimum Roti & No rice and more on egg , Vegetable soup ( Rasam ) will drink ( adding Mix Vegetable with Oil it can become a tasty substitute for High fiber diet and Low Carb i try and hope i get some positive results thanks a lot
Voglibose is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor used for lowering post-prandial blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus. Voglibose delays the absorption of glucose thereby reduces the risk of macrovascular complications. Voglibose is a research product of Takeda Pharma, a Japan-based company.
Please note that fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dL and post-prandial blood sugar (2 hours after taking food) should be less than 140 mg/dL.
Consult a diabetologist.
Medfree i am still sloppy with BS readings but one thing is for sure Egg diet works its charm i ate one full egg with a spoon of spread cheese before eating reading was 120 after 2 hours it is still the same 120 so its very encouraging my Morning fasting is reduced to 108 but today i did a big mistake i had upma MTR at breakfast and it invaded my readings to 210 so NO to MTR upma for me even though i took maybe 20-30 g of mix but not good for me ! last reading is 108 !.
Upma packaged or homemade is going to spike. When you settle down with your BS levels try full wheat dalia upma. (small bowl)
thanks ! Shrisamarth but a jump of 100 was very surprising , yes next time i try Dalia but it will crushed wheat never seen full wheat dalia at my stores ? i try this and Besan Chilla too coz Tuesdays i need some alternative too but one roti and sabzi will give me PP 150 mostly but Yellow daal wid curd Giving me 176 so i will lessen the daal and pop up curd and experiment with it ..
thanks Medfree but it says 5g carb per 100 g why spread cheese is No ?
Thanks Medfree you really take so much time out for a new member ( unknown to you as well ) i am so touched with this gesture i dunno if i able to achieve a stable reading or not but won't forget your efforts for all of us , yes indeed but for me it was so surprising i was thinking it won't go beyond maybe 180 but it went all the way to 210 but even strangely today i had to go to a function ( fist time outside after i been diagnosed ) where there were lots of side dishes " Paneer , Manchurian , Udat daal pakoda " i just ate total of 6-7 of em i was feeling so guilty of doing so and i thought it will reach 300 for sure but then it went 148 its strange i m still learning things considering this my 3rd week ,well about cheese you mean to take cottage cheese rather then cheese spreads ? but i get cottage cheese from " Mother Dairy Amul cheese and local Dairy cheese " so which one should i go for ? .
Now i get it yes Paneer also made by Mother Diary and Amul and i am using mother Dairy Cheese Spread , will try for Amul Block cheese thanks well do i need to check for Protein Intake and roughly how much Cal is ok at my weight 80 kg ( walking 5km / 45 M ) I'm now eating 2-3 eggs daily .