Attack. His angioplasty has been done.
As of uric acid,he is having joing pain cz of which he won't able to walk. Could anybody help me the remedy? Highly appreciated your help.
Attack. His angioplasty has been done.
As of uric acid,he is having joing pain cz of which he won't able to walk. Could anybody help me the remedy? Highly appreciated your help.
Follow strictly LCHF DIET. Give medication for uric acid. I think pulses(dal) increases the uric acid level. I am not quite clear. Slow walking and exercise and medication will also help to control his symptoms .
For uric acid give him zyloric tablets and restrict all type of pulses, tomotoes, and all other things which increase uric acid. for diabetic, give him methi dana ,soak one tea spoon in a glass of water overnight take that water in the morning , next avoid all sugry substances which may accelerate his sugar levels.
Avoid all purine ridden foods and vegetables to the extent possible.
Follow doctor advice to bring pain and uric acid under control.
Have cherry juice in case possible.
Drink plenty of water
Last but not the least follow LCHF diet which will help to control both diabetes and uric acid.
For uric acid, do not use milk powder at all (using for tea or coffee etc) curd also to be avoided. Stop completely non-veg. This is my experience. ALso I was taken ayurvedic treatment for this uric acid leg pain.