Hiii all...my mom is a diabetic patient....... - Diabetes India
Hiii all...my mom is a diabetic patient.....Does tooth decay has any role to play with diabetes..???? I want to know....:(

It's other way round. Diabetes promotes tooth and gum decay.
Be careful,your mother may be in for big heart trouble.Get this teeth and problem sorted out as quickly as possible.
hi budy if ur mom is a diabetic patient i known some heath supplements it can cure ur diabetic prblm indirectly diabeties attack on ut heart, kidney,liver.......... if u want help u can call me my number is 07841019972 if u want to see ur mom happy & healthy call me betweern 11am - 5pm....
call me on 09405470055 or mail ur address on roumisinghal@gmail.com.I will send a powder by courrier.
just gargle twice a day with warm water added a small quantity of powder. do not worry about costs or fees.
it is always free in the name of Lord Dhanwantari.
You must realise that Diabetes spoils most of the organs of the body -just not teeth or gums. Many revelations cannot be made on this forum .One must be very careful once diagnosed as Diabetic; Aged people especially should go for eye check-up every 6 months . We have different medicines in Homeopathy to rectify many sufferings .But at this stage and the age of your mother the decayed teeth have to be extracted sooner or later.However she has to protect other teeth in future .-Dr.D.H.rao ,Homeopath -09962264476 (E-mail;:hrao.dharmavaram@gmail.com