My medication is reduced To half tablet morning and half ngt then on after one month that is on Feb 25 I checked sugar levels are normal and hba1c count is 6.05 later within 5 days my sugar levels went down when I am taking I stopped medicines from 2 months I am eating everything sweets etc fasting sugar is around 90 to 115 and after meals it is 100 to 145 I am checking with glucometer from 2 months will you suggest am I now diabetic or age is 28 years only
In January13 I have detected with 5 cm fib... - Diabetes India
In January13 I have detected with 5 cm fibroid and my blood sugar is 288 and hba1c is 10.5.after fibroid surgery my sugar level is down

India rates yes it is uterine fibroid before surgery sugar is also detected with 288 after surgery blood sugar came to normal with less dosage of medications after that my sugar level went to 56 in fasting so I stopped medications from 2 months now I am eating everything and checking with glucometer daily fasting 90 to 110 and aft
ter 2 hours of meal 100 to I want to know am I diabetic now
You may not have full blown diabetes now going by your numbers.A fasting BG of 110 indicates a potential risk of developing diabetes in the near future .Pl pay attention to what you eat .Diabetic life style is good for even non-diabetics.Cut ice cream , sweets etc., Do some physical work out daily . You can prevent Diabetes.
yes it is uterine fibroid before surgery sugar is also detected with 288 after surgery blood sugar came to normal with less dosage of medications after that my sugar level went to 56 in fasting so I stopped medications from 2 months now I am eating everything and checking with glucometer daily fasting 90 to 110 and aft
ter 2 hours of meal 100 to I want to know am I diabetic now
Gynecologic told everything ok.when I am saying sugar doctor my levels normal without medicines from 2 months he told me i have to take lifelong pills.but I am not taking pills I m eating ice cream sweet drinks mangoes dry fruits even my sugar level is normal so I want to know am I diabetic now or not

Your current levels are not in diabetic range. But you need to monitor it regularly. If you follow some diet restrictions, your BS would stabilize in narrow range and drugs won't be necessary.
Sugar level can shoot up due to fibroid. Also some women experience DM during pregnancy. Once the fibroid is removed you your sugar level comes to normal. same is the case after delivery.