I have started LWMDR as per Shooter George's directions two weeks ago. I am getting encouraging results in controlling my blood sugar.
I am aged 62 ,Type 2 diabetic since 1994, with my sugar levels FS 125 and PP around 165 with Sitagliptin 5/100 and Vit B1,6,12. I was not able to reduce this for many tears. For about a year now, I am having peripheral nueropathy and was under medication ( gabopentin 300, which was brought down by gabapentin 100).
I have started LWMDR on 22nd March 2014 and my blood sugar gradually came to FS 109 and PP 93 on 04/04/2014. Though I wanted to try this for a long time, I was not getting the right wheat as per description of shooter George till recently. I have earlier tried with the husk but could not continue.
My readings are as below:
There is a good improvement in the HBA1C also.
I would like to get comments from members and also from Shooter George.
Thanks and regards