I've been taking High Dose B1 for a few years, and recently noticed a worsening of my PD symptoms. I pulled out Daphne Bryan's B1 book out and read it. This helped increase my understanding of the process. I suspected that I may have "maxed out" my body's utilization of B1, so I checked my blood tests conducted since 2018 as ordered by my Neurologist.
(I think I mentioned in another post that he helped me discover before that I was way high in B6, which can permanently damage nerves. I was having difficulty walking, and found out I was blood-testing @ over 400% of "in range" levels.) Changing to a B-Complex tab with NO B6 helped lower my blood tested levels of B6 and thus majorly helped my walking.
In this case of B1, my blood tests are showing me at 495-504 vis-a-vis the "In range" being 78-185.
Does anyone have references or experience using blood-testing results to monitor if one is over-dosing B1 when applying Dr. Constantini's High-dose B1 protocol, or is it PD-Normal in this case to have (for example of 495-504) levels of B1?
And if so, can such blood testing be used to help one arrive at an optimum level intake of Vitamin B1?