I am an early PD patient (diagnosed 2019) with mild symptoms which are aggravating! My main symptoms are stiffness and rigidity of muscle, sluggishness in actions, gait freeze and difficulty in turning in bed. I have no tremors (except dyskensia induced by levadopa)
I started on B1 Therapy recently and took 100 mg sublingual tablet on alternate days as recommended by Daphne Bryan in her book Parkinson's and the B1 Therapy.
Though it's supposed to be very mild dose, it seems to be adversely impacting my balance with no significant improvements on other fronts. Also when I take the 100 mg tablet, it causes immediate discomfort in stomach (pain and bloating)
I would like know if people have tried a milder dose of B1 and seen improvements in PD? The reason I ask this is because all anecdotes in the book (except one) refer to a much higher oral does (1.5 gms or more per day).
Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.