Berberine for leaky gut and Parkinson's ? - Cure Parkinson's

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Berberine for leaky gut and Parkinson's ?

faridaro profile image
11 Replies

Several months ago I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and have been looking for alternative treatments to anti arrhythmic drugs and surgical ablation usually prescribed for the condition. Berberine came up as a good alternative in some Chinese study so I've been taking it on and off for the past few months, have not noticed much improvement but it takes a while for herbal remedies to kick in and in the study it was administered for a year.

Anyway, I've been researching this herb and came across some interesting information regarding PD treatment:

Today I came across Dr. Murray's article on how Berberine affects gut microbiome which found very informative (also, previously I remember seeing some place that Berberine can eradicate H. Pylori, don't have a link though). Here is the article:

"Berberine is the current superstar in botanical medicine research and may someday supplant curcumin as the most important commercially available plant-based dietary supplement. The research on berberine is mind blowing for a number of reasons. First, it reflects a pharmacological complexity and effectiveness in dealing with many modern health issues that is unequaled. A new review by Dr. Francesco Di Pierro on the benefits of berberine on the gut microbiome highlights that much of its actions in improving health, including promoting weight loss, lowering blood lipids and blood pressure, and improving blood sugar control are mediated not only by direct effects, but also through berberine’s influence on the gut microbiome.

Berberine, an age-old natural medicine, is becoming the prototype of an entirely new way of improving health via influencing the microbiome.

Background Data:

Berberine is a yellow alkaloid found in goldenseal root, barberry bark, Oregon grape root, and coptis (goldthread) root. As I previously wrote a newsletter back in 2015 titled “Berberine: An Ancient Remedy for Modern Humans,” I think berberine is poised to be the biggest thing in the natural product industry – EVER. The reason is obvious, berberine has been shown to:

◦Exert significant beneficial effects on digestive health and the microbiome.

◦Produce results in clinical trials in improving type 2 diabetes on par or better than conventional drugs including metformin.

◦Improve blood lipid levels better than statins.

◦Lower blood pressure in many subjects as well as any class of anti-hypertensive medication.

◦Improve liver function and promote anti-obesity effects.

◦Produce very encouraging experimental data in a wide range of modern health issues including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and others.

Berberine clearly affects the microbiome as it has been found effective against diarrheas caused by a number of different types of parasites and infectious organisms including E. coli (traveler’s diarrhea), Shigella dysenteriae (shigellosis), Salmonella paratyphi (food poisoning), B. Klebsiella, Giardia lamblia (giardiasis), Entamoeba histolytica (amebiasis), and Vibrio cholerae (cholera). The results indicate berberine appears to be effective in treating the majority of common gastrointestinal infections with results comparable to standard antibiotics in most cases. In fact, results were better in several studies.

The advantage of berberine over conventional antibiotics is that it exerts selective antimicrobial action as it targets a wide range of disease causing organisms including Candida albicans, yet exerts no action against health promoting bacterial species such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacter species.

New Data:

The data presented by Dr. Di Pierro is quite convincing that berberine’s health benefits in weight loss, insulin resistance, and inflammation may largely be the result of modulating the gut microbiota. One of the easy links to this line of thought is that berberine has a very low oral bioavailability. The gut absorption rate of berberine is about 9% and systemic oral bioavailability is only about 1% of an administered dosage. So, with such a bevy of double-blind studies showing clinical effects, how is it working if it is not being absorbed? Via the microbiome.

One of the big changes seen with berberine supplementation on the microbiome is that it increases the quantity in the gut of the beneficial bacteria Akkermansia muciniphila. This bacteria plays a critical role in gut health because it works closely with intestinal cells to create the mucin layer that protects the intestinal lining from damage. This bacteria is a key factor responsible for mucin thickness in the adult gut. A thinning or absent mucin layer is associated with increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and inflammation. Akkermansia muciniphila colonization in the gut is inversely associated with obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and low-grade chronic inflammation. In other words, when the levels and activity of this bacteria are low, these disorders seem to take root. The assumption is that these disorders are associated with altered gut barrier function due to reduced mucin protection, which leads to the absorption of many gut-derived toxins that trigger a cascade of different systems that promote chronic inflammation and insulin resistance.

Berberine would help reverse this situation by promoting the growth of Akkermansia muciniphila leading to an improved intestinal barrier, reduced circulating levels of gut-derived toxins, and a significant reduction in inflammation.

Berberine also increases the levels of Bifidobacterium, which also promotes intestinal health, reduces absorption of gut-derived toxins, and reduces gut and systemic inflammation.

Dr. Di Pierro concludes his review by pointing out that we are discovering a new way of thinking about drugs and botanicals which interact with the microbiota before they affect the human metabolism.

To Your Health,

Dr. Michael Murray


Di Pierro F. Impact of berberine on human gut bacteria. Nutrafoods (2018) 17:5-8."

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faridaro profile image
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11 Replies

I cannot see how this substance could help the arrhythmia you have. AF is a serious problem that needs to be stabilise quickly to avoid catastrophic results.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to

So far nobody knows for sure the cause of AF, however there are some indicators that it might be caused by viruses, bacteria and H. Pylori infection in particular, see link:

Berberine was found to suppress H. Pylori which is more prevalent in patients with AF and could be the cause of arrhythmia, see links:

So, in my understanding, since Berberine suppresses H.Pylori, it can help to alleviate AF

Unfortunately, anti arrhythmic drugs can have serious side effects and the one I was prescribed (Multaq) doesn't show good performance:

in reply to faridaro

Unfortunately, for most people, it is vital to immediately get the heart onto a stable rhythm to avoid possible fatal events. Berberine may have a place after that.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to

Agree, and discussed it with the cardiologist, who prescribed Bisoprolol to reduce heart rate if it goes over 90. So I have it just in case, however, ablation and Multaq may not completely eliminate afib in many cases or sometimes only temporarily, however there is a following message on Multaq's website "WARNING: INCREASED RISK OF DEATH, STROKE AND HEART FAILURE IN PATIENTS WITH DECOMPENSATED HEART FAILURE OR PERMANENT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION."

Also, I have a friend who had 3 ablations and still has AF, so there is no easy answer and I am trying to follow the natural route on advice of cardiologist John Day

Totally understand your concern and appreciate your input.

gingerj profile image

Hi. I've been looking at Berberine and how it may help with PD. I'm wondering if you are still taking it and if you are taking Levadopa or Azilect too?

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to gingerj

Yes, I am still taking Berberine, however had to discontinue Azilect due to developing daily headaches even when cutting it down to 0.5 mg. Trying to postpone Levodopa for now, but occasionally take small dose of Mucuna.

gingerj profile image
gingerj in reply to faridaro

Are you saying you had to reduce Azilect due to headaches which started when you took berberine too?

How long have you been taking berberine? Some reports suggest it should be taken for a period of time rather than long term.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to gingerj

I've taken Azilect and discontinued it prior to starting Berberine. I've been on Berberine on and off since May of this year. At some point I developed very low blood pressure, always had tendencies toward low blood pressure anyway, and realized that Berberine may have contributed to it, so I stopped it for a while, but now back on it.

gingerj profile image
gingerj in reply to faridaro

Thanks. Do you feel it is giving you any benefit? From my reading, It seems that berberine is deemed pretty safe generally. My only concern is a possible negative interaction with either Azilect or Sinemet. I'm struggling to find anyone who is taking both.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to gingerj

No, so far have not noticed any benefits. However, I've been under a lot of stress for the last few months, selling my house and moving to a different city and pretty much neglected myself. Hope to get back on track with regular life soon.

gingerj profile image
gingerj in reply to faridaro

Thanks again. Take care

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