You be careful out there. I fell in my kitchen just walking across the kitchen floor and broke my femur. This was before Christmas.
And let me tell you something like that can really set you back. I was in the hospital twice. The second time due to high blood pressure. And rehab but boy when they tell you that the hospitals don’t know much about they are telling the truth. They had me on extra medicine at weird times. And they just refused to believe that I take Sinemet as needed (within limits). oncein a while I would get a dr that would understand and he or she would go off to the to talk to the staff about it but nothing would change.
And I know the staff is overworked and busy . It’s a shame the administration didn’t inform them about it.It’s not their fault. didn’t seem to understand that when you need Levodopa 5 o’clock you o’clock not 515 not 530 not 545. That was so frustrating and I was just rigidand miserable.
So what do I do now? I have a nurse and physical and occupational therapy. And Speech Therapy.
I can’t exercise too much because my leg hurts and spasms.I have dyskinesia suddenly and my speech is really slurred. It’s scary . I’ve felt bad before and I always think it’s curtains for me!
If you can think of any substance product that would help that be wonderful. . Stack advice and. pep talks welcome. And for some reason HU isn’t coming up in my if I’m slow to respond that’s why. Thanks so much for listening.