I don't have the answers, but the questions are worth looking at. My High School education tells me that PD might start in the gut. This makes sense to me. Therefore, gut inflammation is probably bad, and probably leads to intestinal permeability (leaky gut). And the gut bone is connected to the brain bone. I will shut up now.
Daily Mail: I'm a doctor - these 'healthy' foods may be fueling a colon cancer crisis in young people - dailymail.co.uk/health/arti...
"Gastroenterologist at the University of Miami Dr Maria Abreu, who was recently awarded a grant to study this phenomenon, believes part of the problem is the amount of emulsifiers in modern foods, including those that are in healthy products, such as low-fat yogurts, light salad dressings and peanut butter.
The common additives that help give dairy-free and low and non-fat foods their combined and creamy texture, but have been linked to gut inflammation and disruption of the gut microbiome - the collection of healthy bacteria in the body's digestive tract."
"Under normal conditions, the gut microbiome protects the digestive tract from pathogens and infections and helps prevent and reduce gut inflammation.
When the microbiome is thrown off by medications or certain foods with additives - or the digestive tract is damaged by inflammation - it may increase the risk of cancer.
Dr Abreu told WSVN 7 News: 'Something in the microbiome has changed, and it’s setting in motion this chronic inflammation in the [gastrointestinal] tract.
'These ultra-processed foods create a lot of noise in the microbial system."