Drove 2 hrs to see the new Dr today. It was well worth it. Finally a doctor that speaks our language, if you know what I mean. He has several patients on the amino acid protocol and they are having success with it. Very encouraging. All were worse than me when they started (my UPDRS is 33 on my worst day, but still...)
He talked about Thiamine, which we have been discussing here lately. Highly approved of it and was very familiar with the studies on it. Also said to look into Lithium, which is a great neuro healer, and recommended this book: amazon.com/dp/B01FT4OGDI/re...
Stressed the importance of bike riding, as we know here as well.
some other things he said to consider were:
bodybio phoshtidl choline ( spelling??)
L Taurine - 1 scoop per day and cod liver oil
Lithium 10-20 mg day
HCG injections
nasal light vielight therapy
oral and IV chelation
ultraviolet blood irradiation
oral and IV lipid exchange (PK Protocol)
far infra red saunas
pulsed electromagnetic field or frequency therapy
frequency specific micro current ( I have done this for my back, it works wonders!)
molecular magnetic energizer therapy
IV and liposomal glutathione therapy
vitamin B6 200mg 2x day
pdrecovery.com or org - free ebook
thiamine 100 mg 2-3 times a day
It looks like a lot of quackery mixed in there but he sure sounded like he knew his stuff and has had success with PD, so I shall begin my latest quest! He had the aminos in stock so Im gonna start on them tomorrow at noon. My friends, I will keep you posted and as usual, I welcome feedback. We put our heads together, we will beat this!