I visited this Dr a few times last year to get help starting the Hinz Amino Acid Protocol/ He was recommended by Dr Hinz's office when I called them t o find a Dr in my area that is trained in that. Dr Robinson is very experienced in treating Parkinsons, he has several family members that have it and fears getting it himself. On my first visit, he gave me this list of things that might be helpful to us PWP. I thought I'd share it here and leave it open for discussion. He is the best doctor I ever saw, but unfortunately its a 3 hour drive in bad traffic to see him, s o I dont go very often. He is not a neurologist, he is a family practice doctor
Dr Robinson's List: I visited this Dr a few... - Cure Parkinson's
Dr Robinson's List
I went to him too!!! Are you still on the protocol? I only take small dose as my symptoms are mild. He is awesome!
Yes! Im on a small dose too as you see up top on the list. He is awesome! Wish he was closer.
My mother was a patient of Dr. Robinson Sr., your doc's father. She was in treatment for breast cancer and was in remission for approximately 10 years when she stopped using most of his protocol (she ended up dying from pneumonia) and I suspect the cancer came back too.
Thank you for sharing
Out of the very long list what do you take and from the considered list have you considered and tried any of the suggestions?
I wonder what would happen if you used all, would you have time in a day to do so.
I've been looking into cysreplete and neuroplete supplements on that list, however unfortunately they have folic acid which is not well metabolized in people with MTHFR genetic variant which I have (along with probably up to 40% of population according to some statistics). According to dr. Ben Lynch who has this variant himself unmetabolized folic acid can be quite harmful drbenlynch.com/folic-acid-s...
With deep sadness, i have to report that the incredible Dr Robinson has passed away. I always said without reservations that he was the best dr I ever met! Im lucky to have had the opportunity to be his patient for one year. In the few visits i had with him, he had helped me more than all the neurologists and other doctors i saw combined. My condolences to the family, staff and all his patients. He will be very badly missed. He was a great guy and a wonderful physician.
Bass,Interesting to see Vielight Nasal was available 7 years ago.
Now that the Hinz protocol is being brought up again, I want to issue a warning, especially for newcomers, that the mentioned high dosage of B6 at 400 mg per day is very irresponsible and poses a significant risk of peripheral neuropathy.
Almost all of Hinz's research has been retracted. This is a glaring example of manipulation and conflicts of interest. This is serious, but it has also led to a complete halt in the PD<>B6 research.
The B6 paradox has been discussed many times before. See, for example, the posts by park_bear: healthunlocked.com/cure-par.... Supplementation with B6 in moderation, particularly in the bioactive P5P form, can be sensible for many of us, but it is crucial to have your blood tested.