Giving up on Western world meds.... - Cure Arthritis Co...

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Giving up on Western world meds....

tkp610 profile image
4 Replies

Hello. I am new to the group but not new to RA. For almost 10 yrs I have struggled on a sliding scale of pain but never seem to get below a 5. I have gone through every biologic except for Xeljanz which is $2,000 a month and not realistic considering I had to retire and am now on disability. From what I understand, the assistance programs that are attached to these expensive biologics are not for people on Medicare or government assisted insurance. I am at my wits end and am becoming less enthusiastic in finding relief. I know that treating the symptoms is all that the medical field can do, but the way they do it is very questionable these days. I,at one point,was involved with a pain clinic that as long as I was taking what they were giving, they were ok with dispensing 50 fentanyl, Oxy 30, and Vicodin ER all at the same time. I was a walking zombie and STILL was in pain. I was on 60 mg prednisone to add to the mess along with methotrexate, and the various biologics throughout the years. it wasn't until I MYSELF, started taking less of the pain meds and didn't have enough in my system, that I managed to get kicked out of the clinic for violating the contract. Never once did they try to decrease the lethal doses of meds they offered me even though they were still not managing my pain. Now I sit here today, still in pain, and addicted to opiates. I have managed to get down to 6 Tramadol as long as someone holds them for me and only dispenses what I need for the day. With every fiber in my body, I am attempting to discontinue using these as well because I am still in pain and have learned that PAIN MEDS CAUSE PAIN. If I can offer any advice, it is DO NOT USE OPIATES FOR RA TREATMENT. I am in Hell and welcome any advice from anyone who has ideas other than the western world of medicine because I am done with that road!

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4 Replies
Kai-- profile image

You've just reiterated, tkp610, what I've heard Dr. Drew Pinksy say a squillion times on his podcasts ( : This Life with Dr. Drew & Bob Forrest, Weekly Infusion with Dr. Drew & Dr. Bruce, The Dr. Drew Show, etc. ) in reference to opiates:



My (layman's) understanding is opioids were/ are intended for short-term use -- (not long-term) because they eventually contribute to perpetuating the pain!! 😱 (As well as being addictive. 🙃 😳 )

Thank you kindly for bringing this to our attention, tkp610. Much appreciated. 🙏


If this helps at all, there's a wonderful HU Pain Concern forum that may be of interest:

(Some pretty remarkable folks over there who 'know whereof they speak' -- may be able to offer some insights. 👍 😌 )


If you're feeling up for it -- or just interested in exploring a dietary/ lifestyle approach -- you may wish to consider the works of Drs.: T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, John McDougall, Michael Klaper, Michael Greger, Joel Fuhrman, Dean Ornish, Neal Barnard -- if you're not already well aware of them:


Here are a few jumping off points, if interested:

Hello my Friends, my Warriors:

Remission without Medications?:

FREE Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet/ Lifestyle (WFP-BD/L) Info for Interested Autoimmuners/ RAers:


[No, no 'miracle overnight cures', just a lot of hard work (& self-education) to 'make a tough situation better' -- especially for those of us who've been run through the 'med gauntlet'. 👍 👍 (Merely my opinion.)]


Wishing you relief from 10 years of pain, tkp610. 🙏

You're long overdue to be released from it!! 🙏 🌺 🍀 🌞


andyswarbs profile image

You know better than most how easy it is to get on those drugs , and how difficult to come off. I was prescribed codeine but refused increases and then I stopped it altogether when I realised it simply was not helping.

I have gone down the diet route and though I don't profess to have had your challenges I reckon looking at you diet is worth a shot. The least you could come out with is a decent chance of better health and you may just reduce or better manage your RA symptoms.

I follow the paddison program which, although largely a whole-food plant based diet it does not exactly prescribe which foods are right or wrong but uses an elimination process. Some people have had great success, myself included.

Mlagypsy profile image

So sorry to hear of your frustrating course of treatment! I see others have recommended diet changes; I too have had success with the Paddison program! I have no desire to remain on these meds & definitely with the diet change have had more energy & been able to do so many things that I stuggled with before- ie opening jars, lifting the tea kettle, getting dressed... I wish you luck!

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Mlagypsy

I know what you mean, Mlagypsy! Once you've had the experience, you can 'never go back to the way it was'. 😳 Being able to return to doing things -- even the simplest things (opening jars, dressing . . . ) is 'a return to normalcy'!! 🤗

(Who'd ever think 'lifting a tea kettle' would be such a big thrill?! 😂 😱 🙃 )

Very glad to hear you're a Paddison Program-er too, Mlagypsy! 🤗 Delighted to meet you! 👋 (Always nice bumping into PP-ers on forums. We're growing in numbers & popping up. 😊 )

If you'd like to add your name (& profile page ) to post: Dietary/ Lifestyle Considerations for Rheumatologists to 'Ruminate On' ( ), kindly let me know & I'll be happy to add it. 👍

Oh, & if you've a blog or video or Facebook page (etc.) that you'd like to share with fellow autoimmuners, I'm happy to add that link there as well. 👍

Wishing you the very best, Mlagypsy. Take good care. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞

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