I’ve just had a laparoscopy to rule out gynae issue causing bloating and gastric symptoms along with heavy periods and significant pain. No endometriosis found, just a fibroid so hormones being blamed for majority of it. However consultant said right side of my bowel is inflamed, suggesting IBS or IBD, I don’t really know much about it, but history of crohn’s in my family aunt uncle cousin (unfortunately my mum died many years ago but both her siblings have crohn’s).
Would IBS cause bowel to look visibly inflamed externally? Or more likely IBD?
She showed me the photos and it looked red I think (I was still coming round so pretty groggy). I’m going to contact GP Monday to see where we go from here.
I’ve previously had tests for celiac - negative and qFit was negative 8ug. I’ve not had calprotectin test, would that be next step?