Has anyone found taking certain supplements can help with colitis?
UC supplements: Has anyone found taking... - Crohn's and Colit...
UC supplements

Hi, when mine started I was in a lot of pain.I did some research while waiting for colonoscopy.
Read the book, Fire In The Belly: The Surprising Cause of Most Diseases, States Of Mind and Aging Processes by Keith Scott-Mumby.
I make hot lemon, ginger and honey in a cafetiere (1 sliced lemon, 15g grated ginger root, desert spoon honey, leave for about 30 mins before drinking) every day.
I take probiotics/prebiotics, turmeric, ginger, aloe vera, zinc, magnesium, selenium, oily fish is good, or take fish oils, plenty of fibre, or take psyllium husk.
I was 75% better before I took my movi-prep, which set me back, colonoscopy showed ulcers and abcesses, lot of inflammation.
I continued with my own supplements and was 100% fine after a week or so, I have never taken any steroids or chemical prescriptions, I give them samples every year and when they ask, they can't believe I am fine.
I eat and drink what I want.
Not saying it will work for everybody. Read the book, it's a bit heavy at times, and not all relevant to UC, but it will open your eyes.
Good luck

Hi, supplements wont cure IBD but due to its nature we are often deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. Ask your gp for a blood test to see if you are deficient in any.Multivitamins are not always a good idea, if your iron levels are within normal limits, you dont need extra iron. Iron supplements can aggrevate the bowel, and cause constipation which can in itself can cause a flare. Fat soluable vitamins are stored in the liver, and along with some minerals can be dangerous if taken more than needed.Also be wary of certain fad diets that claim to help, they are often very detrimental, always get advice from your gastro team.
Rumbleintheoven suggests fibre, this does not work for everyone in fact during a flare it is recommended to avoid fibre as the bowel has to work harder to process it. Citrus can also be a major aggrevator for some, but i love lemon and honey so im going to try his drink. Ginger is a great natural anti inflammatory, and honey is a natural antimicrobial, it is used in dressings for leg ulcers etc.
The thing is to remember IBD can vary, some people have a small patch which can be managed without meds, others can have disease throughout which is difficult to control even with the strongest meds. Its all down to genetics. There are several genes identified that cause IBD and which genes are activated determine severity. I read a fab research paper done in Oxford a few yrs ago regarding this. Heavy going but it helps you understand why there is such variation in severity.
Take care and stay safe x
I also add some tea leaves to my cafetiere for flavour, and some cinnamon, for flavour, and because it's good for blood sugar and weight loss. Mix around with ingredients and amounts to suit your taste. Too much ginger makes it too hot, have tried adding turmeric powder, but is too hot I've found.
I get that fibre during a flare can be bad, but I don't have any flares.
I also drink green mint tea, mint is good for digestion.
Since I started my cholesterol has dropped significantly, so I guess I'm doing something right, for me anyway.
Hi, I'm currently recovering from a flare-up, so naturally did a lot of research about supplements that can help people with UC. While I can't promise that any of the supplements I'm taking will help you I found that they were beneficial for me.
I take Vitamin C, D3, Calcium, Omega3, strong probiotics and enzymes that help with digestion. I also take Curcumin that has anti-inflammatory properties and Ginger which is also very good, I usually drink it as a tea.
Apart from supplements I keep to a UC diet and try to drink a lot of water.
Hope this helps, good luck!
I started taking Krill oil mid of 2020... have felt much better since, but alot of changes at that time, Biologics and AIP diet, have introduced plenty of foods back in but maintained the Krill oil tabs. Pricey but maybe doing something.
I have had UC for 12 years. The supplements that seem to help me are slippery elm powder and marsh mallow root powder. I take half a teaspoon of each mixed with water or juice. The other thing that certainly helps me is homeopathic antimony. Of course your mileage may vary.