Is this worms in my poop?I am waiting on a stool test to come back. I have done this more than a few times please help with any answers thanks
Worms?: Is this worms in my poop?I am... - Crohn's and Colit...

Looks like a tape worm. I could be wrong.
Thank you thank you so much for your reply I'm kind of going nuts here so some of my stool test came back but it was just a bacteria parts and it was negative I'm waiting on the ova and the parasite to come back tomorrow that's what I think too I have other pictures but it's totally embarrassing I can't believe that I'm having to share this but I've kind of hit it for a while now and it's gotten where it's not going away thank you for your response
Hi, keep the video for your doctor. It does look like a tape worm. Are you around animals? If tape worm cure is easy or so I have heard
That's a Tape worm
Eating undercooked meat from infected animals is the main cause of tapeworm infection in people
Thank you guys so much for your feedback much appreciated .I am making a new post