I got diagnosed few weeks back after bad month. On steroids and few other things. Feeling better each day. Any ideas on feasible excercise and how soon I can do few light weights because I've lost lot of weight and feel bit weak. ?
Ulcerative colitis: I got diagnosed few... - Crohn's and Colit...
Ulcerative colitis

yoga/pilates is a good way to exercise. Only you can tell when your ready to get back to it, just take it gently tho as with IBD you can fatigue very easily
Thanks for the reply, I feel ok to do a bit but I am on steroids still from hospital, so maybe I'll give the yoga a try before lifting any weights. Probably in me own lounge first though, not as nimble as I used to be 😂. Thanks again.merry Christmas.
Try only mild walking. No contortion. I hate to drift off topic but once you come off the steroids, be very careful with your diet. You will easily go back if you don't take good care of yourself, and no, doctors won't prescribe steroids indefinitely. Stay away from Mexican food, red meat, vinegar, lemon, citric juices, or anything you wouldn't put on a ulcerated tissue. You will go back, I promise, if you decide to abuse your colon once you feel normal again. Back to topic, just light walking is what I recommend. No running, no skating.

Many thanks for the reply, I'm taking light excercise and now back at work and seem ok for now. I am very concious about the diet after steroids so have already made changes to hopefully give me the best chance of staying healthy. Thanks again.
just build yourself up, it really depends how you feel. if you want something gentle then yoga or swimming, if you feel up to more then just start off easy and pace yourself. People with UC do run marathons,