Hi, just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me. I have recently been diagnosed with colitis after having symptoms since October last year but I have also suffered from Chronic idiopathic reoccurring Urticaria from the age of about 11/12 ( i am now 20). American research from years and years ago believes that the two could be linked (i know don't always believe what you read but worth a shot hey?) So was just wondering if anybody else with Colitis suffers from Urticaria in any form?
Ulcerative colitis and Urticaria? - Crohn's and Colit...
Ulcerative colitis and Urticaria?

Ive had to stop all my medications due to having hives that come when I have any e-numbers found in colourings/flavourings and some preservatives ( and used in meds as well as food and drinks). Along with the hives, I can get swelling of lips and roof of mouth itches. As a result of not taking meds, I am having a flare up of my Crohns. Interestingly I had these allergies to e-numbers and a few other things when I was 11 - 12 yrs old. I had a couple of ? crohns flare ups between 14 and 18 yrs of age when I was finally diagnosed. But these flare ups were put down to stomach bugs or IBS at the time.
I have been to my GP and seen a dermatologist and have been told to watch what I eat!. I was made to feel I was wasting their time and should just get on with it. I am seeing a gastro registrar next week so I will definitely mention what you say about a possible link.
thank you so much for sharing this info x
Hi Chick! I have UC AND UC lol it’s so depressing they got to be linked. I think mine is down to Candida/ yeast / mold. Maybe another type of parasite... but I’ve been taking grapefruit seed extract and some other stuff urva Ursi, sacc. Boulardii but for some reason my hives are getting worse. I give up! Lol
I def get very itchy with flares of my Chron's.... also get hives and my skin gets tight and hard feeling! Its def linked has to do with the immune system.