Woo hoo! Hubbie and I completed week one this evening! Even tho I've hot a bit of a cough! Did find it harder going but did it. So proud of us! Amazing at how pleased you can get at doing 60 seconds. Almost picked out final app choice to track runs too (map my run). Slightly dreading what it will be like to run longer (ESP as have not actually looked up format for week 2). Only other issue is my knee - I fell over walking in Wales this Easter and its all bruised - but excercise actually feels better than not - it hurts most after a night of being still!
Week one done!!!: Woo hoo! Hubbie and I... - Couch to 5K
Week one done!!!

I was just about to log off and then saw your blog. WELL DONE to the two of you and yes, you're right to feel proud. Enjoy your runner's high.
How nice to be doing it together.
Arnica cream for the knee (will help reduce bruising) and continue with your exercises.

Well done..!
My advise for reading ahead; is don't. The programme is excellent at edging you through it both physically and mentally. Sometimes it will be the former and for me, more often the latter. I used to get a surprise every time Laura was started on my run day. I knew then and not before.
She will tell you that you can do it. My experience, she was right. It was always a challenge, but I could.
Sorry to hear about your knee. Take care of it and the advise above sounds good. I also used to have aching knees, but with a bit of massage, they were fine. If you are using some cream on them, then this will be a great way of mobilising and getting better blood flow to them.
Keep it up and really well done. Each week has its highs and lows, but being together will help you. Celebrate each as they are really a big deal!

Well done to you both! Enjoy week 2 x x

Well done both of you, it is a great step in to a great program. I agree with Shinjin, do not look ahead, it's like skipping pages in a good book.
Keep coming back to the blog it is good to see (and be reminded) new people joining in. Make sure you take the rest breaks, they are important.
Good luck to you both.

Thanks guys! The knee was purple at the time! But as I was in the middle of a welsh hill I just carried in walking. Best thing for it at the time I think. It's nearly better now but gets stiff when still!