As a newbie, I wondering whether running in the morning leaves you raring to go or dying for the rest of the day. I work in a school and started this week whilst on holiday.The thought of coming home and then getting of my backside for a run makes me doubt myself. If you run in the morning do you survive without anything to eat before hand?
When do you run?: As a newbie, I wondering... - Couch to 5K
When do you run?

I am also a teacher (peripatetic music) and I find that I like to do the run before work in the morning, if I can. This actually gives me a buzz for the rest of the day and doesn't leave me feeling tired.
If this isn't possible then I take my kit with me, and then after work get changed and either drive to a good place on the way home (a park for example) or anywhere really, and do the run BEFORE driving home and getting indoors. If I go home with the mind to change into running kit and then leave the house again to run, it just doesn't happen!
Apparently you can run without anything to eat beforehand, but I'm not good with that so I tend to have a small bowl of muesli or a banana or something. Always have water though

Im a morning runner. normally after the school run so about 9am & after breakfast & 2 cups of tea. I have tried running in the evening but tend to get stitch if I do. may be in my mind but the 2 or 3 times Ive tried in the afternoon this has happened. I also get all hot & sweaty when I run so like to have a shower (need to have a shower) afterwards. I prefer the morning but sometimes get a 4 o'clock lull where I could easily sleep if I sat down. in the end it comes down to personal preference & work I suppose. good luck with the rest of the plan. shelley x

We are evening runners because of our lifestyle. I echo the comments of the others. If you reserve it for later in the day, it takes dedication to get out the door and do it compared to sitting on the couch. I really like our weekends because we can schedule a morning run. I feel refreshed to start a run and it leaves me set for the day. If we run in the morning, we usually do a banana and water about an hour before. Gayle

So from the sound of this ,I will have to forego my tea in bed brought by lovely husband 3 morning a week.I have been going out just before lunch and enjoying the fresh air now it doesn't freeze your lungs! More opinions and thoughts welcome.

I go at all sorts of times - whatever is convenient on the day, as long as it isn't straight after a meal (though a small breakfast has been ok). A regular time might make it easier to make it into a routine though. Today I went at lunchtime, before I'd eaten, and thought I might feel hungry, but it was fine. I'm not so good at getting up early, but have enjoyed the two or three early runs that I have done. Not very keen on evening runs in the dark, as I can't see potholes in the pavements - but I have done them.
If its a work day, I go more or less as soon as I get in. Best way for me to forget about work - its amazing how "un-stressing" fighting for your breath is....if you know what I mean...
If its a weekend, its nice to go early in the morning when its nice, crisp and fresh. Don't worry about eating before, you'll be fine.
The key thing is to make it a routine, part of your day.

Early morning for me. Going for a run when it's just getting light is lovely - cool, fresh and quiet - and they you're back ready for anything the day can throw at you.
I don't normally eat or drink anything before going out, and that suits me - but a drink and something like a banana is probably advisable.
Just to muddy the waters, I run morning and evening! Early Sunday morning is my long run each week (please note, this is only suitable if you have no life and do not go out on a Sat night lol). In the week I mainly get changed in the office and go out from there before coming back to pick up the car and go home (but I am a little spoilt as I work on an industrial estate with a great range of surfaced paths out to the countryside and a couple of little parks). When it's really warm/humid in the wet months they like to call summer I like to run before work at about 5.30 am and it really does give you a massive buzz for the day ahead - beats any coffee!
Give all times of day a try according to what's going on in your life that day and see what suits you best.
Earlier the better for me, we rise at 5:30 am as my wife has a longish commute to work, I have been known to run right then, before eating anything but just lately I've been running a little later at around 7-8am mainly because I am now running for longer and I like to see my wife off to work etc.
I've only been doing it for a couple of weeks but I tend to run after work. As I work on a three shift system I can run early morning, afternoon or nearly midnight ( hence I use a treadmill ) I find that even if I've had a long tiring shift the run refreshes me.
I run mainly mid morning but have done the odd one later in the day, when needed. I found at first that I was very tired for the rest of the day, but as I've got further into the programme, my stamina has increased and now, at Week 5, I can run in the morning and still have energy to do all the other things on my list, without too many aches and pains! I make sure I eat and drink and wait an hour/ hour and a half, before running - blood supply needs to be in your muscles, not your stomach. It's trial and error, really, to find a timing that suits your own schedule. The beauty of this programme is that you can do it at any time to suit - which also means there's no excuse! Good Luck!

I really enjoy my runs after work. I try to have a big lunch and then get home about 5 ish and waste no time in changing, grabbing the dog, downing a pint of water and heading out.
I do one weekend run, usually mid morning, again, no food before hand just water. I tend to feel a bit sick running on food. The weekend run gives me a massive high for the day, and makes me feel a little smug lol.
I walk the dog most mornings in the week so in theory I could run then but definitely prefer to run after work. My job leaves me with enough frustration to take it out on the pavement (practice nurse)

I'm a teacher too, and started program this hol to get started easily. Hubbie now joining me so only time can both fit it in is after both finished work.
I prefer to run in the mornings but I also quite like running at the start of my mid-day (late afternoon) tiredness because it wakes me back up. I find I get more done on days when I do this.
I always run before breakfast (7-8am ish). Otherwise too much comes up and it gets deferred. It seems to set me up for the day and often puts me in a good mood for the day.