And it's sunshining! Bonus!!
With the clocks going forward I actually went out an hour later than usual but it still felt like -730am and I think the rest of the village hadn't caught up as I only saw 2 dog walkers in the time I was out there.
Managed to do the Pink B210k on my favourite trail (with a start that is some road going downhill - great, but that means all the rest of it is onward and upwards, luckily mostly just incline as it was a railway track originally) and it went well.
Not being "techie" I downloaded an app for the phone instead of having a podcast and I couldn't find the music until it was all over but hey running to the sounds of my gasps for air isn't so bad, at least I know I'm still alive and the purgatory is in my head! So if all goes well there will be a couple of Park runs in the next few weeks, the B210 will be finished and I'll be OK to run my first 10k mid May.
Stats are a mish mash as the Pink doesn't appear to give them (I may be wrong on this - see above) but my Nike+ walking says 55mins 8,881 steps and 7.93k (best bit 462 calories - where's that Easter Egg).
Good Luck to everyone else on whichever challenges you are taking on.