thats I have wonky donkey legs apparently....
So today I have receovered from ice bath and had intended to go Eventing (horse thing, Dressage, Showjump and Cross Country) however mother nature thought otherwise and as its snowing here all day I didn't go. (Annoyingly It was not cancelled either as apparently no snow in Norfolk! and so I lose £75 entry fee!) any way to cheer self up decided to go to our local 'proper' independent running/triathalon shop to look for trainers...
Got there feeling a bit of a fake, and nice young (and bit lush, although I was with husband so no flirting allowed) guy helped me - had to run up and down in a barn area for 'gait analysis'... very self aware of 'powerful' glutes (otherwise know as big bum) in skinny jeans as I ran up and down for him... god, how cringe... anyway apparenly I have one very good 'straight' leg (left, which had sore ankle) and one wonky leg, which rolls in. (which would explain sore hip and knee on that leg).
My requirements were, suitable for road and some off road (but not heavy duty just tracks etc) and NOT NOT NOT pink or lilac.
After an hour of umming and ahhing (I have NEVER ever ummed and ahhed so much over a pair of shoes in my life and I am quite 'Essex' ) I brought the pair pictured here...which are hybrid New Balance so i can use for road and off road.
Now I'd just like the wind to stop gusting snow horizontally at 40mph and maybe I'll give them a run out tomorrow! (They'll never look as lovely and new again...)