Got home from work, changed straight into running gear and out to local park; thought I'd run to the top end of the park up the bigger hill, that loop would get me to 5k surely....
Decided to do Stepping Stones again with Laura to try and carry on improving my technique.
The run went quite well; much prefer going first thing when I get up, but can't always do that. Found it hard to settle into the first 5 minute run, but after that it wasn't too bad, kept up with Laura's 1 2 3 4 up almost all the hill, just had to walk the last few yards but started running again as soon as I was on the flat. Ran with the beat all through the rest of the run, including up the opposite side of my previous hill. Sped up to match the last 5 minute 160 beats a minute, no problems, finished running just outside the park.
Brisk walk to home; look at Imap - only 2.76miles!!!! 4.44k!!! I was sure I would be over the 5k...definitely need to sit and plan my routes before I run again.
But I am now sat here typing, with a slightly sore right calf, sweating away, with a bright red sweaty face thinking at least I got out there and made the effort, 39.36 minutes of hard work done to make myself fitter and healthier, and i feel good!!!! Time to order that graduation T shirt!!!