I'm ok with my super-duper-ultra-light-jogging pace because it's helped me get through the first three weeks and I was able to successfully complete W4R1 today! Considering I was totally out of shape when I began this journey only a few weeks ago I am thrilled that I can now "run" for 5 minutes without stopping! So, for now at least, as long as I'm moving foward then I'm happy.
If I jogged any slower I'd be backing up, but - Couch to 5K
If I jogged any slower I'd be backing up, but
Well done, finding a pace your happy with was half the battle for me. Also taking pleasure in your improving fitness is an end in itself.
Well done you for getting off the couch, don't worry about being slow the speed will improve. I am 74, still very slow but like you I am out there and feel so much better for it. Good luck with the rest of the programme and enjoy. Pat
I was exactly the same. My running pace was barely above walking pace but it enabled me to get to the 10 weeks and graduate.
However, I really enjoyed the programme and felt so much better for it that I am repeating it at a faster pace. Probably not the most orthodox way of doing it but it is working for me.
Just remember, slow and steady wins the race
Well done ...and you give me hope as I have my W4R1 to do today and cannot imagine running for 5 minutes, but know I will keep going until I can.
Slow and steady rules the world!
Thanks everyone, you're all such a supportive bunch. Happy jogging to all!