I was going to save my graduation run for Monday morning, I thought it would be a good start to the week. However, inspired by Team GB in the athletics last night I decided that today was the day
It felt like a really hard run, the breathing took ages to fall into place, but I completed the 30 minutes and the last run of C25K this morning.
I never thought when I did that 1st podcast on 5th June that I would ever make it this far. I was convinced that it wasn't going to work for me. How wrong I was. I really should have had had more faith in myself & the programme.
I'm not fast - myfitnesspal considers my speed to be a brisk walk!! Let me tell you myfitnesspal I AM JOGGING!!! And Mo Farah can run 6 miles in the time it takes me to do 2, but hey, I've got to start somewhere right?
For all of you on this journey, keep up the good work - this programme is AWESOME
I'm now going to try and mix things up a bit to try and improve my speed by dabbling with the new podcasts - they came out just in time!!
Happy running everyone x