I don't even have an excuse other than pure laziness. It has been about 3 months since my last run. It was all going so well and I had completed w8r1 and I felt good. I suppose Christmas was an obstacle, but I saw other people out running then so how did they keep motivated? I have thought about running everyday, but I think half of me is scared about getting out there and having to start at week 1 again, and I'm worried my clothes will no longer fit me. I'm worried about failing again. Anyway I need and must start today, so wish me luck please. I shall let you know how I get on.
Give me some motivation please!!!: I don't even... - Couch to 5K
Give me some motivation please!!!

Just put on your running gear and get out the door. The hardest part is starting (and even re-starting). Once you are out choose a week and go and have a good run.

I imagine you must be so disappointed to have let it go after getting so far.
However, use it as a positive rather than a negative. After all, all of us who are doing/have done the programme know how much of it is in the mind and you've already proved you have the mental strength to overcome plenty of obstacles on the way to your Week 8 run.
Think about where you feel able to start, if it be at the beginning, no matter, after a run or even two you may feel you can step it up, if not, don't. After all, it's not really about the programme at all, the programme is merely a means to an end, that end being you being able to go out running regularly. You have another advantage too as you will be able to judge whether you can step it up and skip to a later week, or even do one or two runs of each Week until you find your fitness level in comparison to how you felt about it the first time around.
Choose a time, set out your gear (even consider doing that immediately) and when the time comes just get your stuff on and head out the door. Do not give it too much thought, just let it follow as a natural progression. Time chosen. Gear laid out. Go for run.
That door isn't at the front of your home, it's in your mind.
Open it.
Let us know how you get on.

It's all inthe mind! Ibet you will be surprised at how well you get on.
Give it a go...you deserve to be fit and healthy and bursting with energy.....good luck.

I've just remembered a good tip. Put your gear on....you feel so silly sitting around in it that it helps get you through the door!

Shouldn't think you'll have to go back to week 1. What about having a go at W5 R1 and see how you get on. If you find it hard drop back a bit if not try R3. I'm sure once you get out ther it will all come flooding back. Good luck

I know how you feel! I had to take 8 weeks off recently and was really worried about getting back to it. I went back to week 1 to be safe, I set myself a day when I was going to start, whatever the weather and then went for it. what is really great this time round is that I know I can do it and the running has been much easier than it was first time round. Just get out there and do it and you'll feel so proud of yourself, I felt as if I'd won an Olympic race when I finished the first run - I'm sure you will too. Good luck.

Well Fittyboomboom how did your run go? We are all routing for you so hope you have been and gone and done it!?!

Good luck fittyboomboom (love the name btw!). I'm sure you will find it much easier the second time round once you get going!

Fittyboomboom, how did it go? I had my fingers and toes crossed for you!
All the best
Good luck and well done you! Writing this down is the first step to getting out of the door! (So now you've started ... you might as well go and do that run)
(quietly cheering you on)
So the weekend came and went, and still no run. It's hard with young kids to get out and do it, I did make some wicked monster puppets for my girls though and took them to the park and baked a cake, so in the great scheme of things I am still positive about taking that first step back into running. I have packed my gear to take to work today as last time round running at work was my best option in the beginning. Thankyou so much for all your kind comments, I am so glad I wrote a blog, your support does mean a lot to me, though I have serious guilts that I have let you lot down now aswell as myself. Anyways onwards and upwards x
Ok so first hurdle has been taken, i have just tried my kit on, and it still fits! A lot snugger than before, but it fits! Also the podcasts are still on my iPod so all it needs is some charging and its chocks away!!!! feels like today is the day to take flight....
Did she? i hear you all ask.....well YES i did!!! and YES it was (hard/fun/enjoyable)!!! and YES it does (hurt/make me proud)!!! I managed to get out there and complete week 1 with some enthusiasm - i even carried on running for longer than Laura wanted me to. So i should believe in myself more, i can still do it even if it is at the beginning again. Thankyou again for all your support. I think i will try week 2 or 3 on wednesday.