Forgive me runners for I have sinned - Couch to 5K

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Forgive me runners for I have sinned

Tish1970 profile image
29 Replies

Some of you may know I have been our of action due to a broken wrist. This has been a bit of a shocker after graduating only a few weeks before. I suppose anyone else who has had an injury that has stopped them from running can empathise. It's no fun.

For a week and a half I have been pretty much doing nothing. The consultant ttold me not ti run. Its amazing the things you can't do with an injured wrist! But yesterday I decided I had to get out. The wind was howling, trees were bowing down, it was wild and wonderful. The outdoors was calling.

A brisk walk was in order. I planned this to be a very brisk walk so got togged out in my running gear. I had missed wearing it. Sad but true. Was a bit of a struggle. Dressing has been one of the skills to suffer with a wrist out of action.

So you can guess what happened next? Well, I did have a brisk walk, to my local park run course. There is a particularly short but nasty hill there and I thought it might be interesting to have a go at a light jog up it. That went well. I walked for a minute then ran then walked then ran, walked, then I thought sod it and ran the rest of the way around the course.

It was pretty muddy and I was taking it slowly and carefully, I was so happy I was running. I cant imagine another four weeks of not running when there is nothing wrong with my legs or feet! I know it was wrong but my arm felt okay, don't tell on me. If I had fallen over on my cast it could have been nasty, but I didn't and I've had no ill effects.


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Tish1970 profile image
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29 Replies
Fingalo profile image

More power to your elbow!

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to Fingalo

Yeah! How are the long runs going? Have you caught up with Greenlegs yet? ;)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Tish1970

Did run 1 of Week 7 this morning (blog to follow) so that's two 25 minuters under my belt, however unless Greeners has an extra day off soon, I think I'm doomed to remain in her trail. Her next is run 3.

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to Fingalo

Ha! I just spotted this. Do go carefully Tish - the bit below about gluing things together and letting them set without jiggling them about does sound quite an argument.

Anyway, so far I am keeping two 'days' ahead of Fingalo - it's helped to keep me going through week 7 - it's been a tough one!

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to greenlegs

And me!

I love the fact that I'm chasing you, it's a fun rivalry.

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to Fingalo

:D Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man! (Oh, look what happened to him!)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to greenlegs

I may do two days on the trot....

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Fingalo


greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to Fingalo

Is that Irish again? No, I suspect I'm just being dim:

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Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to greenlegs

Running. On the trot.

Pardon the pun, ya loonball!

Actually prefer some of your suggestions mind!

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to greenlegs

I was wondering too. Still none the wiser

dush3003 profile image

Forgivness....the ground is not very forgiving, you be careful out there!

I know how you feel, it's very frustrating! I'm out of action due to hurting my knee:o(

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to dush3003

Thanks Dush and poor you. Hope that knee gets better soon.

dush3003 profile image
dush3003 in reply to Tish1970

Thanks Trish. I hope so too. I had a light jog this morning............fingers crossed it went ok:o)

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to dush3003

Fingers and toes!

Anniemurph profile image

Yay, well done you, Tricia! Glad you're feeling better. We won't tell if you don't :)

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to Anniemurph

Thanks Annie! Tx

SBG356 profile image

Run? What run?? :O ;)

Glad you managed to feed your addiction Tricia and it went well and if you do fall please make sure it is onto something soft!! :D

Take care out there!


Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to SBG356

Thanks Sue. I'm off for another 'gentle' run soon. Will let you know how it went. Tx

Oldgirl profile image

Mmmmmmm I'm sitting on the fence here Tish. I know how you were feeling, I couldn't run for 3 months due to sciatica but to be honest the pain was so severe it was almost beyond me to walk let alone run. However your pain was not causing you to stop, but what would have happened if you had fallen and damaged your injured arm again!?! Or falling and trying to protect your injured arm you broke the other one!!!! Yikes these are terrifying things that could have happened which also may have caused very long term problems.

Your running gear won't run away, the parks won't disappear but to wait a few more weeks may mean you can get back to running sooner than if you have another injury. I'm sorry if I've burst your bubble, I'm just a kill joy I know, but please stay safe. :)

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

Thanks for your concern Oldgirl. I take on board what you say. Yes it is a risk, and I would be even more stupid if I fell. I just feel the urge is too strong. I have one of those personalities were I am not that good a sticking at things long term. I don't give up I just seem to let things fizzle out. Yes the park and my gear are still around but I am worried my mojo will disappear, and that would be appalling.

So I suppose I am willing to take that risk. But don't say told you so if I injure myself again. I will be shame faced enough. Tx

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to Oldgirl

I don't think you are a kill joy. I think it's good to know the risks you put yourself through, I am going to be even more careful so thank you. Tx

Fingalo profile image

I understand Oldgirl's concern but surely you could say that of every run? I'm sure folk do fall now and then but I'd say it's a pretty rare occurrence so to not run for that reason seems over cautious to me.

Of course you all know my next blog is undoubtedly going to be titled "Guess who bit the dust this morning?"

vixiej profile image

I think it's great that you enjoyed your run, but I'm with Oldgirl on this one. Whilst you are not terribly likely to fall again (bear in mind that it can be muddy/slippery in the park thought), the consequences if you do are not worth it. But I totally understand. I broke my toe part way through the course (just the little one) and I didn't want to let everyone down on the twilight 5K so I was running again within 10 days. I'd just hang on a little longer if I were you, another week or so. Go for some brisk walks and check out some new routes for when you are running again.

Or at least just stick to paths and jog slowly. Be careful (I suspect you will be running again sooner!)


HectorsHouse profile image

anecdote time: In Cape Town Aquarium, after alot of information about sharks, and just next to the actual real life sharks they have a big sign saying "the biggest animal killer in the world" - and you stand there bemused until you realise that what you're actually looking at is a reflection of yourself! And then you understand... especially when you read the facts next to it about how more people are killed by falling out their bed than by sharks.

To be honest Tricia, you're probably more likely to slip and trip in the workplace than on a run. or, if not, just as likely. ;) (according to the Health and Safety Executive, over 10,000 people got a serious injury because of slipping/tripping last year...).

We could harp on all day and night about risk and 'what ifs'...

I don't think you should feel bad for running! I've found myself running places just for the fun of it, or to try out different paces or breathing. It's enjoyable :)

I do agree you shouldn't have run, from my limited medical knowledge given to me by Mrs HH, a doc in training. As far as i understand it, the movement makes for a slower (even if not painful) healing because you're not allowing the bone to sit as it should. Think of it like when you glue something to another thing to fix it: you have to hold the things together for a few seconds to make sure it sticks in the right place...

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to HectorsHouse

I do agree with you there, but it seems to be the twisting, pulling and pushing movements or any weight/pressure that are causing me problems or pain. After the runs it has felt better or at least no worse.

We have a very busy house and sometimes to get things done you have to do it yourself. So I have found out what I shouldn't be doing! Quite a lot as far as housework, cooking etc goes...

Thank you so much for your concern and advice. I will try to be very careful and not jiggle about too much ;) tricia.

Jeddahpm profile image

Hey Tricia, how are you doing, have just seen your blog. How are things? Must be a nightmare trying to manage with the family, house etc. sending you virtual hugs, a virtual maid and a virtual glass of wine (well it is made from grapes ;)

Jems x

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to Jeddahpm

Hi Jems, thanks for your message. The hugs anc the wine are gratefully received. I'm not to bad now, but had a shocking weekend. I pulled a muscle in my calf and my neck. I really was a pain in the neck! So no running for me for a while. Never mind the broken wrist.

I have been feeling very sorry for myself. But putting things into perspective, I'll soon be right as rain. Also working for your other half had its advantages but it certainly has its disadvantages! Having to hobble into work with a limp a plaster cast and a neck that only works looking forward was not a pretty sight. That really is enough of my whinging!!!! Sorry to pour this out to you, always better out than in. I wont make another peep about my woes, promise.

How are you getting along? I'm so jealous of all the b210k lot. Really want to get back out there, patience is not my best virtue. Ah was that me complaining?!!! ;)

Tricia x

Jeddahpm profile image

Oh nooooooo :( bloody hell love that's bad luck. Def good to let it all out and this is certainly the place. You are not pouring anything onto anyone by sharing your feelings and you didn't even swear once ;) I hope you have some decent pain killers and once you are a bit more mobile you can take some nice gentle walks. Make the most of the rest now because once you are back to it there will be no stopping you girl!!

Take good care and do blog to let us know how you r doing so we can send you lots more love and snuggles!

I am good thanks, training hard, finding the long runs super intense and trying to convince myself I'm not terrified of the 10k race lol. A very experienced runner told me it was ok to be afraid as the adrenaline will help it should take me about 10mins then hahaaa :)

Take it easy

Jems x

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