Reading back my first report, while I think I captured how tough I found it, from the feedback to my first blog I don't think I was clear enough just how I felt about continuing. Or more's the point, whether I'd be able to. I spent the better part of the weekend in a constant internal dialogue, trying to convince myself that I was able to go out again. I'd already decided that if I did I'd at least have to repeat the first week as there was no way I was going to be able to up go up a notch after only another two runs. The innocent enthusiasm I'd had beforehand had been taken out and given a right doing, laughed at and left for dead.
It was yesterday afternoon before I got my head right and it helped that not long after, the soreness in my legs started to ease off.
And so to this morning and it's an indication of how much I'd bounced back that when I woke at 4.45 I spent the next half an hour looking forward to my alarm going off. That's right, looking forward to it. At 5 bleedin' 15! What the feck is that about???
Anyway I flew out of bed at the 'ding' like a couch potato at the microwave, into my gear and out the door in ten. That it was raining slightly didn't bother me one iota, I went straight to the beach this time and as Laura said run, I ran. She's a bit demanding that way.
In contrast to Saturday which found the front like a jogging Oxford Street, it was still dark and deserted, which I found quite comforting, although it did occur to me that any passing copper might take interest in a man dressed head to foot in dark colours out at such an ungodly hour and I determined to carry a box of Milk Tray by way of an alibi come my next run on Wednesday morning.
As for the run itself, I can't believe how marked was the improvement. After four of the eight runs on Saturday my lungs were screaming and I was most definitely dying but at no stage today did I feel like that. I'm not saying it was easy, far from it but by the end all the optimism of before I started had returned, even the five minute warm down walk at the end was easier, the incline on Saturday having reduced me to a pace that were an advertiser of a mind, they could have rented out space on me as I reckon the slight breeze was causing more movement in their billboards than I was capable of. Yet today I walked up no bother at all, without the slump against the wall once Laura (nice lady) had said she was finished with me either.
Finally (I forgot to mention this in my first report) I was occasionally light-headed for about two hours after I finished my first run and could also feel a rasping in one of my lungs, nothing like that today barring one small bout of dizziness.
It makes no sense to me that there could be such an improvement after one run so I can only imagine that much of it is mental, inasmuch as this time I knew what to expect.
I had a genuine doubt about posting my first blog because I knew it gave an awful impression and didn't want to put off anyone who was considering giving it a go, however I decided that sugaring the pill was pointless, honestly writing it up being the only way to go, which makes being able to write such a positive blog this time a pleasure.
As I write I'm halfway through my work day and am delighted to say the HR department will go unvisited....
Come on Wednesday and if all goes as well, I'm now quite looking forward to stepping it up on Saturday.
Famous last words?