Day Two: Reading back my first report, while I... - Couch to 5K

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Day Two

Fingalo profile image
20 Replies

Reading back my first report, while I think I captured how tough I found it, from the feedback to my first blog I don't think I was clear enough just how I felt about continuing. Or more's the point, whether I'd be able to. I spent the better part of the weekend in a constant internal dialogue, trying to convince myself that I was able to go out again. I'd already decided that if I did I'd at least have to repeat the first week as there was no way I was going to be able to up go up a notch after only another two runs. The innocent enthusiasm I'd had beforehand had been taken out and given a right doing, laughed at and left for dead.

It was yesterday afternoon before I got my head right and it helped that not long after, the soreness in my legs started to ease off.

And so to this morning and it's an indication of how much I'd bounced back that when I woke at 4.45 I spent the next half an hour looking forward to my alarm going off. That's right, looking forward to it. At 5 bleedin' 15! What the feck is that about???

Anyway I flew out of bed at the 'ding' like a couch potato at the microwave, into my gear and out the door in ten. That it was raining slightly didn't bother me one iota, I went straight to the beach this time and as Laura said run, I ran. She's a bit demanding that way.

In contrast to Saturday which found the front like a jogging Oxford Street, it was still dark and deserted, which I found quite comforting, although it did occur to me that any passing copper might take interest in a man dressed head to foot in dark colours out at such an ungodly hour and I determined to carry a box of Milk Tray by way of an alibi come my next run on Wednesday morning.

As for the run itself, I can't believe how marked was the improvement. After four of the eight runs on Saturday my lungs were screaming and I was most definitely dying but at no stage today did I feel like that. I'm not saying it was easy, far from it but by the end all the optimism of before I started had returned, even the five minute warm down walk at the end was easier, the incline on Saturday having reduced me to a pace that were an advertiser of a mind, they could have rented out space on me as I reckon the slight breeze was causing more movement in their billboards than I was capable of. Yet today I walked up no bother at all, without the slump against the wall once Laura (nice lady) had said she was finished with me either.

Finally (I forgot to mention this in my first report) I was occasionally light-headed for about two hours after I finished my first run and could also feel a rasping in one of my lungs, nothing like that today barring one small bout of dizziness.

It makes no sense to me that there could be such an improvement after one run so I can only imagine that much of it is mental, inasmuch as this time I knew what to expect.

I had a genuine doubt about posting my first blog because I knew it gave an awful impression and didn't want to put off anyone who was considering giving it a go, however I decided that sugaring the pill was pointless, honestly writing it up being the only way to go, which makes being able to write such a positive blog this time a pleasure.

As I write I'm halfway through my work day and am delighted to say the HR department will go unvisited....

Come on Wednesday and if all goes as well, I'm now quite looking forward to stepping it up on Saturday.

Famous last words?

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Fingalo profile image
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20 Replies
ross10 profile image

Just a thought mate but if you're feeling light-headed and lungs are painful then you should probably take it a bit slower. Also are you stretching properly before and after runs? Can be the difference between not being to move the next day and jumping around like Bambi on berocca.

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to ross10

Ross, I am a firm believer in slowing it down and doing the stretching exercises. I know the 5 min. Warmup walk is not near enough for my muscles. I found out the hard way to loosen up well before a run. If not for stretching etc. I doubt if I would of ever graduated. I just read your last blog, wishing you well and I think you are making the best decision to slow down until after grad time. Gayle

Fingalo profile image

Thanks Ross but if you read my first blog you'll deduce that I couldn't have taken it any slower. That this run didn't cause me the same difficulty suggests to me it was just first day fatigue. As for stretching, that's what the brisk walk is for. I know it's established practice but that's now in doubt and even the C25k website recognises that. To be honest I don't think a pound of cocaine could prevent your muscles hurting after the first run in years.

Appreciate you taking time to advise me though and as I gain experience I'll reconsider what you suggest.

ross10 profile image

All good mate, hope the next one goes well for you

gdeann profile image

Fingalo, this program is amazing. Each run you will see such an improvement! Best of luck to you! Gayle

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to gdeann

Thanks Gayle. I'm just amazed that I found today's run so much easier than my first. While I expected improvement after a few, I certainly didn't expect to see such immediate progress.

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to Fingalo

Astounding isn't it! On my first run, I only completed 4 of the runs and had it nailed by the third run and was ready for the next week and never looked back.

Each week is a little harder, but each run within that week will feel more do-able than the last and you will grow in strength day after day.

Here is a link to a great article Charlie Brooker wrote about doing this programme, it really sums it all up for me. It may mean more to you further down the line, when the bug has really bitten, but still a great read anyway!: (and thanks to the person who originally posted it here!)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Thanks Rollers, I'll give it a read.

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply to Rollertoaster

I love this article!

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to AliB1

Fab isn't it! I try and make everyone I know read it as he says exactly what I feel but with much more witty delivery :)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Jeez thanks Rollers, I missed this earlier but really appreciate the compliment.

Fingalo profile image

Blimey Rollers, I can see myself in Brooker's mirror. If I made a list of the people who would laugh like a drain at the idea of me taking up running, I'd need so much paper the Andrex puppy would be set for life!

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to Fingalo

Brilliant isn't it! I was exactly the same as him, casually mocking those who did "exercise", and here I am now, one of them! ;)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

What I find hilarious is that after only two runs I'm checking out likely places to run when I get home to Ireland for Christmas. My family will NOT believe me heading out the door to run, I could come back in with my kit soaked to the skin and dripping in sweat and they'd still insist I'd fell into a vat of lager whilst in the pub.

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to Fingalo

That's exactly what makes the achievement of this running programme so satisfying, the look on the faces of those who know you the most :) (oh and there's the self satisfaction of feeling great and like you can take on the world!)

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Especially because not only did I not tell them I'd decided to lose weight (2.5 stone gone with only another half stone to go) but I don't intend to tell them about the running until I'm there.

Beads profile image

Your first sentence up there, that you think your first post captured how tough you felt it was, but not how you felt about carrying on. Give yourself another 8 weeks, so to the end of January, then look back on it after your graduation run. You'll get back from your 30 minute run and laugh (hopefully) at how tough 60 seconds was!

But the other thing your first post will do at the end of January is that someone new will come on here, go back through some posts, read this one or your first, now sporting a shiny Graduate badge next to your name and be inspired. I didn't find this forum until halfway through so don't have a record of my early runs, but all these blogs help others who are struggling both mentally and physically with their runs on week 1 and beyond week 9. So carry on blogging, it will get easier, though what you're asking your body to do is harder.

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to Beads

Good point Beads. I am so pleased (and not a little relieved) at getting my mind around going again, that I did and it went so well brought me deep joy. You may not have read my first blog but I make the very point you do about knowing I'll look back in amazement at how tough I found what I described as a "walk in the park".

Here's hoping it does encourage others as I felt quite guilty about that first blog.

vixiej profile image

well done Fingalo, you won't regret sticking with it. And do keep posting your progress, I wish I had found this earlier, as my early runs have become a bit of a blur, except I remember that the first couple of weeks was really tough for me.

The dizzyness is likely the extra oxygen that your brain is getting if you are breathing well while you are running. I get it sometimes too, and I also get it when I visit the osteo and he unclicks whatever is pressing on one of my arteries occasionally, the rush of oxygen gives you a massive hit. If it persists though, get it checked out.

I've also surprised a few people with my running, they didn't expect me to stick with it, but I showed them, so will you ;-) Well done on the weight loss too, that's a big achievement!

Fingalo profile image

Thanks Vix. I only had one dizzy spell after my second run and none after my third so hopefully it's a thing of the past, although I am prepared for it to return when I do my first Week 2 run on Saturday.

As for the blog, it was an online 'mate' who suggested I do it to keep him up to date, I'm glad he did as it'll be great to look back on.

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