After a busy day yesterday sampling rums at RumFest at the Excel Centre (life is hard sometimes!!) I wasnt sure how I would feel today for my final W7 run. It was a beautiful sunny morning and though I had to fight with myself to get out there, I won the battle and evenutally got out for an early afternoon run.
I had my new running cd and it all went well; mentally I was ready for any gremlins and knew I could do this. I varied my course again as it really does help me and though there were a couple of times I just wanted it to end and the last 5 mins were hard I pushed on through and finished it.
Now I dont want to get too hung up with stats at the moment as I am just aiming to run for the 30 mins, the stats can come later, but on mapping my run and calculating how long it would take me to do the 5K based on today it came in at 30:68 so am well chuffed that it now does seem a reality!! Who would have thought 7 weeks ago I could get this far but yes, as everyone says, believe in the plan as it really does work!!
So now for week 8 and an extra 3 mins to run - sounds so easy but I know it damn well wont be......
Good luck to everyone on their next run and next target to reach!