So I'm up to week 7 which hasn't gone well so far (see previous posts), although I am very determined to graduate eventually.
I just seem to be in a phase of feeling generally crappy lately.
I don't know what's going on but every now and then my body seems to enter a phase of feeling rubbish. Sleep doesn't refresh me at all and I always feel the need for more. I do tend to sleep a good 8 hours a night tho left alone I can easily sleep through 10-12 upwards.
Everything else is affected too. Constantly feeling groggy really affects my concentration and memory and I feel I'm always fighting to see through the brain fog. I also feel generally down in the dumps too.
Also I get random bodily aches too. My legs, shoulders, my jaw....
At the moment its really affecting both my performance and motivation.
Up to now I've really been enjoying this running program and I really want to continue on to graduation and beyond.
I thought having more (any) exercise in my life would help me feel better in the long run?
Please tell me this is a phase I'll get over and that others have shared experiences?
I just need a boost......