I tried the C25K+ Speed podcast today and really enjoyed it. For the past 12 weeks I've felt I can only run at one speed - my easy cruising pace (ECP). I've tried going slower, but only managed that once when I ran with my son's girlfriend and I agreed to run at her pace. Even when I an doing my long slow distance run, I find I go at my ECP. I've really only tried going faster once and that was at a Parkrun and even then it was only for about the last 0.5km.
So I decided it was time I have a range of speeds. More especially, I want to run faster!
The Speed podcast was just what I needed. I enjoyed the short (60 seconds) burst of speed followed by the jog. When I got to the last burst of speed, I really felt like I'd been working hard. But I would have preferred if the session was longer - say 10 fast intervals. I actually misheard Laura at the start and thought she has said 8 intervals - and was surprised when we stopped after 6. I tried to do another speed interval during the cool down music, but that didn't work.
I've listened to various interval training plans and some have the same track going for the fast running and slower jogging intervals. That does not work for me. How is that running to the rhythm/tempo of the music? Other interval training podcasts that I found have longer speed intervals - 3 to 5 mins - and at the moment that is too long for me.
What I'd like for now is 10, then maybe 15, x 1 mins fast intervals, and am wondering if anyone has found such a playlist or know of a programme to cut and split and splice the Speed podcast.