Crisis time last night. Had too many very late nights trying to catch up with some jobs, did a 16 mile walk over moorland on Saturday and it was wet, windy and dark. I very seriously had to ask myself the questions "Do I want to do this?". Not just the run but the whole package. Fortunately the answer was "Yes I do want to get there". So W5R1 done. Very slowly but done nevertheless.
Motivation harder to find than doing the running. - Couch to 5K
Motivation harder to find than doing the running.

That is a pretty good show of determination and mental toughness, well done.
Thank you. The people who call me stubborn must be right!!!

I only managed to complete some of my runs because I'm stubborn too!

Absolutely, being totally bloody minded is a good thing sometimes! It's what gets me out when I really don't want to! Always feel better afterwards!
Just looking at all these replies with GRADUATE beside your name! Well done all of you and hope to be joining you in the not too distant future. Really nice to see you are all still there supporting the rest of us who are still taking the baby steps.

Yes I agree with gdeann, the badge is one thing, but I'm not sure I'd want to do a 16 mile walk!! If you can do that you can do this, that's for sure!
Thank you. But it did take me nearly 7 hours!

Great job, Martuo! I don't think that it is incredibly unusual to question our ability to complete the program. What is important, isn't if we question it, but what answer we come up with!! You have the right answer!! Keep it up and you will have one of those "Graduate" badges, also!! Keep Running!!