broken wrist - arm in plaster - GUTTED - Couch to 5K

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broken wrist - arm in plaster - GUTTED

DeliaItaly profile image
35 Replies

I slipped and broke my wrist this morning when I got out of bed. I couln't care less about the pain and plaster - one whole flipping month in plaster - if all goes well, it's off on October 5th, but 6 whole weeks of running down the drain. Orthopedic doctor say i cannot must not run and I can't stop crying. please say something someone. the thought of starting again, and not being able to do the uk park run in november ha gutted me, boo hoo.

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DeliaItaly profile image
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35 Replies
carolinew profile image

Delia - I'm so sorry. I don't think you'll lose all your fitness and definitely won't need to go back to week 1. Can you do exercise cycling or anything like that to keep up your aerobic abilities and your legs (i know its different but better than the couch for four weeks).

I don't know what to say as we've been running "compadres" - you'll soon be back with us xxxx

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to carolinew

Thanks Carolinew...maybe I'll dgo buy an exercise bike...I am soooooo upset and feeling sorry for myself...

7ermintrude profile image

oh no that's a real shame for you, i can understand why you're gutted and i know i would be too but you'll be surprised how fast the next 6 weeks go by and you'll soon be back at it

Chin up

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to 7ermintrude

thanks 7ermintrude, keep calm and carry on I suppose xox

Pelephant profile image

Oh no, I can sense how you must be feeling. Have you spoke to your doctor about what you might be able to do to keep the muscles in your legs ticking over? I'm sure there must be something you can do? Chin up! X

Pelephant profile image

spoken I meant spoken. Stupid work keyboard with its dodgy 'n'!

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to Pelephant

thanks pelephant...i'm typing with one hand....hahaha

suki_007 profile image

Noooooo! That's awful for you, I'm so sorry. But, after the dust (and plaster) has settled there must be ways of keeping your fitness and even improving it, like you and carolinew said, an exercise bike or a crosstrainer (just holding on with one hand - you'll get good at it!). I wish you were near here you could borrow my crosstrainer. Good luck and please keep blogging about what you do to keep up the good work you've done.

Mitts profile image

Oh no, just when it was going so well... I'll miss you, we were on the same runs...

A bike sounds like a good idea, then you can carry on more or less where you left off when you're allowed. Keep blogging about how you're doing, then we can all cheer you on when you get started again... think how far you've come in the last 6 weeks, and it's not a long time really. I'll say 'chin up' too!

DeliaItaly profile image

thanks for this suki and mitts. This really helps keep the gremlins away! i think the doctor must have thought i was round the bend when i burst into tears when she said running was out - forgive spelling and low case but can't use right hand. soemone can drive me to shopping centre tomorrow for bike.

swanscot profile image

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this and I can imagine how totally gutted you must be feeling. Like others have said, I'd look into buying an exercise bike. That together with long walks will all help keep up your fitness level.

DeliaItaly profile image

thanks swanscot ... i don't know what i would do without all this great encouragement. xox

doggymum profile image

Oh Delia, so sorry to see your news :( You are obviously gutted at being sidelined for a few weeks but remember to keep coming on here to blog to keep your motivation and spirits up. Hopefully you will be able to keep your fitness level at a reasonable level to jump back in only a run or two behind where you left off.

Have a couple of days rest now, let your body start healing and then you can 'go for it' if you feel like it!

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to doggymum

i like that "sidelined" and you're right, maybe i won't need to go back to week 1 and start, i dunno, week 5 or so...who knows...thanks doggymum

Soozz profile image

Noooo! Oh, Delia, that's awful. Poor you. I can understand how fed up you must feel. I agree with the others that there must be some way of conserving the fitness you've worked so hard to gain, and I also think from reading some other blogs that you don't lose your fitness that quickly. Hopefully, you should be able, as doggymum says, to just go back a couple of runs and pick up where you left off. Big hugs, tea and sympathy. Stay In touch, you can have a good moan here as often as you want, and look after yourself so that your bones heal as quickly as possible. X

DeliaItaly profile image

thanks soozz - this is very therapeutic, you know, openly feeling sorry for oneself with a "me, me, me" ...but no worries you ain't got rid of me yet...and how i'd love a cup of real tea right now xox

Hi Delia,

I'm so sorry to hear about your injury! I can imagine I'd be absolutely gutted too if I was in your shoes! I have been reading your blogs as you're slightly ahead of me and you've been so positive and inspiring.

As others have said, do not despair and do not be talking of going back to week 1! Using an exercise bike or one of those leg pedal things (I think you can get them in Argos in the UK - they can be used when you're sitting down in a chair) will help keep your leg muscles working and brisk walking should be fine? Obviously check with your doctor but I imagine walking would be ok. You could also do leg exercises and strenghtening/toning without using your upper body.

You may lose some fitness but I think you would be surprised how much you'd retain. Plus it definitely wouldn't be as hard or take as long to work your way back to full fitness again, as you've had 6 weeks of interval running recently as opposed to no exercise. Look at how quickly you improved from no running til now!

Keep reading the blogs here to keep your spirits up and let us know how you're getting on.

Even if you're at week 5 or 6 fitness by the time the park run rolls round, I say go for it anyway as long as your wrist is fully healed. Even if you have to walk in places, it'll be really lovely to attend anyway and the psychological benefits of doing it in spite of set backs might help make up for the fact you maybe won't be able to run it all.

You're fabulous and you'll get there - this is just a little blip! It's actually really lovely to see how much the running has come to mean to you over the weeks; and how much it's become such a big part of your life. Remember that in the next 6 weeks and you'll be back on track in no time :)

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to

hi there NewbieRunner, thank you so much for this. My spirits are starting to rise again, tomorrow I'm going to buy an exercise bike and i'm sure my arm and hand will be less painful too tomorrow. i do feel a complete nit though. you run in mud and rain and all is fine - then you trip over in your own bedroom. what an idiot. and again THANK YOU xox

notbad profile image

I'm so sorry, don't worry about "me, me, me" you are perfectly entitled to feel like this - it must be a huge disappointment as you have done so well/come so far. All my best wishes to you, hope you'll keep blogging and let us all know how you are getting on.

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to notbad

cheers not bad ... don't worry, you ain't got rid of me yet ... besides, off work tomorrow so i'll be blogging away xox

Pat184 profile image

Oh Delia I am gutted for you. You have had a lot of suggestions to keep motivated from all the lovely people. Chin up, much love to you Pat. :-) :-)

DeliaItaly profile image

hi Pat - i think the support i'm getting for this wrist truly highlights the purpose of this community, but above all, what really great people c25k ers are. xox

Chewy profile image

Delia - I'm just speechless, my heart goes out to you. Ok, think positively, it's painful both emotionally and physically but it's not forever. You will be fit, you will be back and you will finish C25K. This is a set back not an end.

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to Chewy

i know chewy...and thanks xox

SarahP0003 profile image

Oh you poor thing! I'm sure you'll soon be back on form once you can run again and in the meantime an exercise bike could be just the thing to help. Wishing you a speedy recovery x

DeliaItaly profile image

thanks sarah xox

Legion profile image

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this, Delia. I can just imagine how frustrating it must be for you, but the exercise bike (and walking?) sound like a great way to keep that fitness up. I think you will get back into c25k a lot faster than you expect, once the plaster is off. :) Where in the country will you be doing your parkrun in November? I might be able to join you, if you fancy some c25k company? Look after yourself and take care of that wrist. We want you back running with us again asap. :)

DeliaItaly profile image

I 'd love some c25k company on a Park Run!

I'm originally from South London, and had it not been for the wrist, I may well have invaded my brother and gone to meet Laura in Croydon on Saturday (thank you Ryan Air). In November I was thinking of doing a park run in Reading where hubby works - complicated set up, I know - but as I'll be working in Belfast, that week, if there's a Saturday involved (I'll be in the UK at least 7 days) I'd try that one too. I won't know dates till I receive the thesis I'm supposed to be reading and evaluating... talk about positive thinking Legion! ...great blog!

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to DeliaItaly

Let me know when you do then. I should be able to manage Reading, so long as it doesn't clash with something else that weekend. :)

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to Legion

hi legion, just back from porto where i had planned to do so much running grrrrr, but great place anyay. will keep ypu posted re. uk run xox delia

eshaz14 profile image

You poor thing :(. Haven't had chance to read all the comments as I'm at work (Ooops), what about walking building up to power walking a few weeks down the line to keep the leg muscles moving. Thinking of you... those six weeks will seem like hell but will soon be over :)

stridingedge profile image

So sorry for you. All I can say is that one minute the kids are breaking up for the shool holidays, the next minute you know it they're back ( 6 weeks later!). Hope that helps abit - it's the best I can do.

DeliaItaly profile image

thanks stridingedge, Christmas is just around the corner I suppose. I just didn't want to throw away 6 weeks of hard earned stamina. On the positive side, it's only just a broken wrist...

glendam52 profile image

I am so sorry for anyone in plaster atm it isnt an exciteing time. I have been out of mine a week now and can now walk with one crutch and have waddled a bit with none. It will be quite a while until I can walk any distance a running may be next year. That all may sound depressing but the thing is I can now work on it and do the strengthening excercises I have been given and that makes you feel more positive. While you are in plaster waiting for it to heal you are in limbo,dont do more than you have been told as it will not heal properly and you end up longer in plaster. I am older (60) and also took calcium tablets as I dont get much in my diet. A fellow patient who broke her ankle same day more or less same injury was walking about with no crutches during the 6 weeks it didnt heal and she ended up in a boot and told to use crutches when he left clinic.

You will be able to keep your leg muscles strong with the bike and that is half the battle.

But you are allowed to feel sorry for yourself as I know how frustrating the whole thing is but you will get there.

On a separate note did you order a limbo plaster cover for shower or bath it is completely waterproof and made showering so much easier. I dont suppose links are allowed on here but just type in limbo and I am sure you will find it.

Best of luck keep posting.

DeliaItaly profile image

hi glendam52 - i just use cling film - cheap and cheerful and does the job. Best of luck to you too! xox

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