Only 1 run left of week 4, and i'm finding the 5 minute runs hard, is that normal? At home there are loads of hills, but this week ive been on holiday so did both the week 4 runs so far on the flat, and it was still really hard. Final run of week 4 tomorrow, but don't know how i will manage with the hills, and week 5 seems just a step too far at the minute...but i won't give up!
Week 4 is nearly done!!!: Only 1 run left of... - Couch to 5K
Week 4 is nearly done!!!

I think that the main thing is as you say - don't give up. You can always repeat a week. But I'd hate to have to do that. Maybe just repeat a run.
I found week 4 really hard too, mainly because I was staying with my parents at the time and there's loads of hills where they live, whereas I'm only used to running on flat ground. I've chosen to repeat week 4 because I honestly didn't feel ready for week 5 and I didn't want to undo all my hard work by pushing myself too hard. At first I was disappointed in myself for having to repeat a week, but now I know it was the right decision. And best of all , I know it doesn't making me a failure because I'm still getting off my backside and out there. And when I do start week 5 I'll be ready for it. Bottom line - listen to your body and do what's best for you. You're doing this for noone but yourself, and just remember how much you've progressed since you started. Good luck!
I'm finding it really tough too. I have one more run of week 4 to do. For me it's not the length of time, just that I find it all really hard until after the last 5 minute run. It's like I don't even warm up properly until after that much running, and then the work out it over. I also find that if I run before the late afternoon, or in the sun, I get really fatigued. I even seemed to be sunburnt from my run today, and it's only the second day of Spring here! I so want to keep going though...
I've only just started, so not in a position to give any advice except I would say that you are doing this for you! No-one else. This is not a contest and if you have to repeat a week or a whole run it is annoying to have to do it, but only you know your body and what it can or cannot take. I'm on week 1, run 3 on Monday. If, when I start week 2, I find that I am really struggling, then I will repeat run 3 of week 1, then try again. I don't want to do this, but if it means me then forging on it will be worth it, so yes of course it is acceptable to find the runs hard. If they are not hard then you are fitter than you thought you were. I too am running on the flat. I have Asthma, so hill running is not an option until I am further on with the plan. This is the best coursework I can do for myself and I am going to stick with it (I have to keep saying this to make me commit, lol!), hopefully I will also lose weight and improve my BMI.

Perhaps just run a little slower to compensate. As Laura says on one of the podcasts - it's not the speed you're running but the time you're running that matters.
I've just got back from holiday and did 2 parts of week 9 on holiday and one part back home. It was actually nice to get back to familiar territory.
And, as Gardengal say, you can always repeat a run.

I did run 2 of W5 today and I agree that W4, in some strange way, was harder - go figure! R2 of W5 is 2 x 8 minute runs and they were fine - seemed to be easier than the 5 min runs! Trust in the programme, keep putting one foot in front of the other and know that you CAN do it. Keep going - don't give up and don't let it intimidate you. The programme is structured that way for a reason - because it works. Believe in it and yourself.

I found the 5min runs harder than the shorter or the longer runs. I'm now on week 7 and honestly say the 25min runs are easier. Trust the programme. Laura will not let you down.
I have decided to repeat week 4, as ive had 10 days off, then im going to go for week 5!!! Youve all spurred me on!!!