Today when I went for W8r1, my dog stayed in bed..I wish I'd followed her lead! The first half went ok and then I started to feel awful. I checked my blood sugar, it was 1.5 which is really quite low! I ate glucose but carried on running, and then my leg nearly gave way twice, so I started walking. I should have waited for the glucose to take effect but I just walked fast. I heard a voice and thought it was the podcast music but it turned out to be a cyclist trying to get past me on a narrow track so I turned the volume down and lost Laura. When I got her back, she told me to start the warm-up run. At this point, I gave up running and walked fast because I felt wiped out. I've lost my confidence and, although I hope I'll have got my 'Get up & go' back by Wednesday, I'm feeling really hopeless about the whole C25K now.
Pride comes before a fall and today I 'fell' - Couch to 5K
Pride comes before a fall and today I 'fell'

So you've done wk7 ... so you've proved you can run for at least 25 mins ... something to be proud of, I reckon. Don't you?

Sorry to read that your confidence is knocked after a bad experience (it's really frustrating when you accidentally lose your place in the podcast, I've done this before & it really breaks your stride). BUT (you know I have to say this) you have come so far this last 8 weeks and I think that's something to be very proud of especially as you have health concerns. Give yourself credit for what you have done and (assuming your blood sugar is okay) go easy on yourself for your next run (I'll be running W8r2 on Wednesday too).

No wonder you felt peculiar with a BSL of 1.5!! Don't feel at all bad about your experience yesterday. You must have been using up a lot of energy for your sugar to fall like that. You KNOW you can run for 25 minutes and I am absolutely sure you can do 28 minutes, but no-one could do it with such a low sugar. Will you have something extra in terms of sugar before you leave to do your run next time? It sounds a horrible experience but I am certain it's more related to the hypo than your ability to complete the run. Good luck for Wednesday, you can do it!

Oooowwww that must have been a nasty experience but you came through and will be ready to go again in no time. Make the adjustments to your sugar intake before you leave the house and take a glocose sweet with you just in case. You have done so very well and many and I mean many of us have had bad runs and thats without a medical condition to contend with.
Good luck be with you for the last two weeks and please let us know how you get on, Very well done on your success to date too.

Thank you all for your encouragement, I'm feeling much better now, and ready to go again. I'll do run 2 on Wednesday and I'm going to buy some jelly babies before I run again! Thank you again, your support has really helped!

Jelly babies rule!
