I'm so happy, I did my graduation run this morning and phew, it was a bit hot already (it's been mid 40s these last few days and the nights are still 20º), so bits of it were tougher than of late, but I did 5k in around 30 mins (I'm going by my playlist timings as I forgot my watch) and then ran a few minutes longer just to prove to myself that I could.
I'm so grateful to C25K and to all of you on this forum for tips and encouragement - I have never seen such a positive and kind forum as this and I'm so happy to be part of this community. Thank you.
I've got a longer term goal of doing a 5k Canicross race with my youngest dog. I still have to train him a bit more for it cos he loves running to play other dogs so much, but he's certainly fit enough - they run about two or three times the length I ever do when I run. I was invited by a friend to do an event in October in Burgundy, but it looked a bit flash and scary for a first one, full of uber-fit guys with huskies running up hills... although now thinking about it, there is something to be said for that!! And now I'm really looking forward to my graduation present (all Phil72's fault!) of a Garmin 410 - that's going to be exciting and motivating as well.
I'm only a pound away from my weight watchers target goal - weigh-in day is Friday, so you never know, I could do the double this week, how fantastic that would be, and what a turnaround from this time last year when I had no clothes that I could get into and was invisible when I went out - I've become visible again, it's like magic!
Anyone just starting out - go for it, you'll be so glad you did, I can't tell you! It does more than just make you fit, it helps with those gremlins in your head too. I look forward to running now, and a friend of mine who is also doing C25K, now in week 5, says she feels like a spaniel needing to go out for a run, haha, and I know how she feels.