Ahem, I beg to differ!
Now, I know, that if you are a fell runner like these mad bu....no, I mustn't say that... like these athletes: amazon.co.uk/Feet-Clouds-Fe...
well then, Glebe Road holds no fears for you, apart from the fact that it's smooth tarmac and paving, not turf, scree and stone. It's a great book, but I don't think I want to be a fell runner, not anytime soon, or even anytime far away.
However for us lesser mortals, hills like Glebe Avenue are not a good way to start your day. But, hmmm, if I tell my good online running friend that I am doing hillwork today and she asks me later "Did you do your hillwork Carole?", and I say, "Well, no actually, when the alarm went off at scary o' clock (6.20am) I thought I'd just stay in my nice warm bed, instead of getting out of my pit and making an effort like a proper runner!" What will that say about me??
So, up and at 'em Carole girl. It's a flipping mile and a quarter warm up just to get to the bottom of G...... Avenue, (can't even bring myself to type it now). Luckily it's mostly a long slow gentle downhill so I can save my breath, because I know that I AM GOING TO NEED IT!
connect.garmin.com/activity... There are the stats for the obsessive. The HILL is 2/10 of a mile pretty much straight up. I go up and down it three times. The first time I'm thinking what a stupid idea THIS is. The second time I am puffing like a steam engine, the third time my glutes are saying "Hey!!!! Enough already! Dontcha know it's early??". I am a real glutton for punishment tho', because on the last run down, I think I might as well run up it just once more (how brave I am!) and then that leads me onto my usual route which is then about a mile and a half, flattish (ok, only one hill more, but compared to the hell hill, not too bad) run to home, a shower, breakfast....mmmmmm.
On the last trip up I think I am going to be sick, but look up to my target corner, try not to think, just repeat in my head "Get up the hill, up the hill, up the hill"...and I AM UP THE HILL, crossing the road and looping back to my own front door.
Ok, no run tomorrow, but nine miles on Sunday. Hmmmmm.....