Park run number 3 didn't start very well because I forgot that it had moved from its usual venue and was about 10 mins drive away. I only managed to get to the start on time by abandoning my car in a place it shouldnt be parked and jogging. Talk about stressful!
Then, to add insult to injury it was on an area of common which has the most horrendous hills. One long slow incline and the other extremely steep, and still quite long! Even some of the better runners walked up it.
Amazingly I managed to do a new PB although I do think the timer was a bit dodgy as someone was supposed to finish a second before me and there was no one anywhere near me! 36.34 - my last one was 38 so a slow but steady improvement.
As for that hill, well I managed to jog about 3/4 of the way before stopping but the one thing that was going through my mind was 'this will do nicely for Carole's bottom toning, speed enhancing training'.
So, Carole you now have a hill named after you. I will let you know how I get on running up it