I'm off on (a working) holiday in a few days - without my runners, I'm afraid. But I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for books about running that I could take with me, as I'll have some time to read?
Holiday Reading!: I'm off on (a working) holiday... - Couch to 5K
Holiday Reading!

Feet In The Clouds - Richard Askwith
Your life will never be the same again!
The Courage to Start by John 'The Penguin' Bingham is a bit of a muse about the journey of becoming a runner. A quiet read which has me thinking but not a page tuner.
On my to read list:-
'A Life without limits: A world championship Journey' by Chrissie Wellington and 'Mud, sweat and tears' by Moire O'Sullivan

this looks a good line, we could start a book club and post reviews on a chosen title once a month- c25k goes intellectual !!

I am reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. Can't put it down! I am going to be the next ultrarunner (oh and then i wake up!)

Run - Dean Karnazes
Is not bad either. The writing is not so great but the stories are tops!

I fancy this read Greg, I can just see my reading list getting longer and longer!!

Jane Tomlinson - The Luxury of Time

These are all great suggestions! The difficult thing is going to be choosing one! I will let you know how I get on. Wondering if anyone has read the Murakami one about running - I think it's called What I talk about when I talk about running.

Hmm, when I was really into cycling, we had a cycling book exchange going on on the forum, if someone had read a book but didn't necessarily want to keep it, they would put it up on the forum, everyone who was interested put their name down and then it was names in a hat and the winner got sent the book. Once they'd read it, they signed it with their username and town on the front page and then offered it up to the next person. It was really good fun and I got to read a load of stuff that I normally wouldn't have done. Would anybody be up for something like that on here?
Great idea!
I read books on my kindle so couldn't participate although, I'm told I can share an ebook, I don't know how though :/
I use a kindle too and the only way i found to share was to put my sister on my amazon account.I'm very trusting!
But I did buy born to run as a proper book!

I'll be putting them on my kindle too, unfortunately! Looking forward to picking one. Have also been looking at some fiction about running - "Running the Rift" which is set during the Rwandan genocide has received excellent reviews online. I'll keep you posted about what I choose!
Now I just need a holiday because I want to read them all!

Love how we all have this 'I won't be able to run so I'm going to read about running' attitude..... a sure sign of that old bug!!

Love how we all have this 'I won't be able to run so I'm going to read about running' attitude..... a sure sign of that old bug!!

Love how we all have this 'I won't be able to run so I'm going to read about running' attitude..... a sure sign of that old bug!!
All these sound great! Here is a book I've wanted to read, it is about running and meditation, the Tibetan teacher has done marathons and I read a review in the guardian that said it is interesting: