My husband will be finishing the C25K today, and I will finish next Friday, assuming I stay on track, so we need to sort out our own music from now on. We have enjoyed some of the music on the podcasts but I particularly dislike the tracks that are just beats and no lyrics, especially on the longer runs, so need to find something else really. We are doing the One Hour Runner bridge to 10K program next, because one weekly run is always 30 minutes, one is 32-40 I think, and the other ranges from around 40-60 minutes I think, so we can do the longer one at the weekends rather than trying to fit in longer runs on work nights when also trying to get our 2.5-year-old and 10-month-old fed and to bed! I want to do time-specific playlists though, so that each playlist is the length of the run, but am unsure how to do that without loading all our music onto the laptop (which isn't big on storage). The PC is currently waiting to be taken to the shop for repairs. Can anyone recommend anything? I have seen the Now Running CD advertised on TV and it seems to have fairly good reviews on Amazon...
Can anyone recommend a CD or playlist for grad... - Couch to 5K
Can anyone recommend a CD or playlist for graduates?

I was going to suggest Now Running, I've heard good things about it and as you say it has good reviews. Think I may be purchasing it myself after completing C25K!

I bought "the workout mix 2012" theres lots of upbeat stuff on there & a couple of longer mixes of over an hour. or "ministry of sound ~ run to the beat 2010".
if you look at them on amazon you can listen to the beginning of each track

I've got 101 running songs. I find it's got a good mix of older and newer songs plus all different lengths of tracks too so it wasn't too hard to get playlists to the lengths I wanted.

If you count how many steps you normally cover in a minute then there are websites (google "running beats per minute") that will list the beat count of hundreds of songs .... hopefully you can find enough that you like/have

Now that's what I call running is good
I don't use set play lists but do enjoy listening to my ipod when I'm using the treadmill at the gym (partly to block out the 'orrible dribble they play).
I really like running to "Young at heart" - an old track by the Bluebells (!) and the beat on UB40's Kingston Town is spot on.