Has anyone tried any of the various C210k programmes out there? I graduated the c25k in September and am now up to about 7k, but have reached a plateau and am finding it hard to add more kms. As I found the C25k really helpful, I guess a c210k would be the next step. Ideally I would like one which I can link to my own music. Any suggestions or recommendations welcome. Thank you.
Can anyone recommend a good c210k plan? - Couch to 5K
Can anyone recommend a good c210k plan?

I,m doing bridge210k wirh sami murphy podcast which I downloaded from this site. I ran week 2 run 1 today but I found it hard going

Thanks, I will look it up. Keep going, I am sure you can do it, especially if you have already done the c25k.

It's on here but the first podcast doesn't really work too well so be prepared to do week 2 instead. It might work ok for you but I did try and download it twice but the second time it stopped dead too. The runs are same as C25k in that you run each 3 run times but this time it's only for 5 weeks. The music is better than Couch!!! Yay

This is what I used: blog.bluefinapps.com/about
I think it's similar in pattern to the above podcasts, but only a written plan (I think you could get downloads if you wanted). If you're wanting to listen to your own music, then put your run into something like endomondo and it will prompt you when to run and when to walk - and give your pace per km on the way as well.

You can download them here dl.dropbox.com/u/55081822/B...
PS -- it;s a big download - around 500 megabytes and takes a while.

The first week didn't work properly for me so I downloaded it afresh but it cut out half way through, plus I couldn't hear it. Undaunted I just went onto week 2 and everything good from then on. I love these podcasts!!! I use them all the time now as I'm in training for 10 miles and could not have contemplated this without first doing the Sami podcasts. The music is really good too