I have to confess that this morning, for the first time in 7 weeks, I wasn't looking forward to my run. My W6R2 was hard, strange when it was less running than eprevious runs, but there's the great mystery of running. Anyway, I was worried that if I struggled with 2x10 min runs, with a recovery walk in between, then today's run would be horrendous ...
The first 5 mins were not fun. I took Laura's advice and just tried to find a good rhythm, and not to go too hard or fast.
Five minutes in, was not enjoying myself. Then Laura went very quiet .... surely I must be up to 10 mins?!? Then, I heard the magic words - 12.5 mins, the half-way point! It felt suddenly very empowering to be entering the second half. Maybe I over built up in my mind what 25 mins feel like - here I was in the second half, I turned round and made my way back.
The second half flew! In no time at all, Laura was encouraging me to dig in for the last 5 mins, and then when she said to try to up the pace for the last 60 secs, I thought why not - now, I relaized after perhaps 30 secs that I was not going to sustain my finishing sprint, but it felt amazing to give it lilty and thunder the last minute. What a rush of endorphins! I think I was a little bit high - and so might have thought the poeple on their way to work who saw me grinning like a fool!
Ha - a fool who just ran 25 mins!
It was during the cool-down walk that I remembered - did Laura not have a special message for me today? Had she forgotten, had I not heard ... ? And then it came - Laura is proud of me and says I'm now officially a runner!
I'm a very simple man, really. All it takes is for a woman to tell me she's proud of me and I'll run faster, tell me I'm oficially a runner and it has made my day!
Laura is brilliant. But I would like to thank my wonderful wife who has also become an official W.O.R. ('wife of runner') - I wake her up getting ready for early morning runs, I come in all muddy and sweaty, I bore her senseless with my running talk ... I couldn't have done it without her