under a flump cloud today :(: yep I am going to... - Couch to 5K

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under a flump cloud today :(

Pricey profile image
15 Replies

yep I am going to moan and winge on so those who want a cheery read look away now.......it all started this morning on the scales....do do do do. (drum roll).....put on a lbs!!!!!! ffs! I'm on week 7 now and have lost a grand total of.....nothing!!!! was especially confident this week, I'm on ww anyway so am hungry all the blooming time anyway but thi week I've been running in blocks and I even cut my booze down by a hefty 60% last weekend so I was really hoping for a loss this week but no no no no!!! ps don't anyone dare to tell me it all about calories In and calories out because I am fully aware of every blooming calorie that enters my body on a daily basis (and no I'm not a secret nibbler and not I don't eat fat and no I don't eat take always infact I'm looking forward to Easter so I can half my yearly hot cross filppin bun!) forgot was I was saying now..... oh yeah so the no weight loss put me in a right old mood today, I've also been to work , cleaned soot off my kitchen walls (yes thats right soot - that's another moan) scrubbed floors, picked up my son and finally completed week 7 run 2 with about as much energy as a solar truck! it was dreadful, worse run to date, I even had sweaty knee caps! what's all that about! anyway so considering my reason for starting was for weight loss it's really beginning to annoy me now. some slobs only have to cut out 10 bars of chocolate a day to lose weight but not me, I have to run like a fool and starve myself still to loose nothing (waaaaaaaaaaa), sod it I'm going to have a beer. winge finished. over and out!

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Pricey profile image
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15 Replies

awwwwwwwwwwww i dont no what to say? just keep at it im sure eventually you must loose! just dont give up:)) on another note you made me laugh out loud with your rant, thankyou:)

blueboots profile image

That rant made me laugh. Chuck the scales out and keep on running and drinking the occasional beer. :)

Beckipeg profile image

Put on 3lbs here. Trying to kid myself it's all muscle and I'm getting fitter but I'm still an in controlled nibbler. Need to get myself in check but it's one step at a time and I'm concentrating on the running for now.

Thanks for expressing what I feel sometimes too, we all need a rant sometimes!

maddykins profile image

i am the same pricey i have not lost anything and am on week 6, i eat lots of fruit and veg i weight all my rice and pasta and dont have take aways too often, not a lb lost but i am noticing i am toning up lost and changing shape, my size 12 jeans were tight on me last year this year when i tried them on last week there was no overhang but maybe its the davina dvds i do as well thats helped. dont give up it will come off. btw i feel soooo much fitter to.

juicydee profile image

I too started C25K to lose weight but have lost none yet - but feel tighter and somehow 'narrower' and believe that long-term it will come right..... but as you're having a rant, Pricey, can I have mine? I beieve diets are just BAD NEWS.....and so is eating no fat and being hungry all the time. I believe all this sends your body into survival mode so your metabolic rate hits the floor. I admit I haven't got it sussed myself yet, but I'd suggest looking at Paul McKenna, or the Food Doctor, or Khush Mark for some alternative approaches that make perfect sense and won't leave you hungry.

Misstrolly profile image
MisstrollyGraduate in reply to juicydee

The Paul McKenna system is really good and it's common sense. He really helps bust the reasons people eat other than because of hunger. Listening to the CD really does help you eat when you are quite hungry and stop when you are satisfied. They are the two big rules. No counting or weighing out anything or cutting out fat, sugar, carbs etc. It's about retraining your mind and body to give it the fuel it wants and stopping when it's had enough.

Misstrolly profile image

I'm hearing ya sister :) its good to rant sometimes and get it all out. So, apart from the scales, what differences have you noticed? Firmer muscles? Clothes a bit looser, glowing skin? You mentioned that you are hungry all the time, that's not good for your metabolism or for your mood. It could explain the lack of different on the scales. X

CouchChip profile image

I'm doing ww too and one of the reasons I started c25k was because I thought it would help me shed further weight maybe a little faster and I would be able to eat more because of the extra yummy activity points I'd gain from the regular exercise.

Well since starting c25k my weight loss has been slow (lost 2lbs in the last 4 weeks which seems rubbish) but on the bonus side I now have an extra 15 activity pp a week which is an extra 2 pints of lager and a pkt of quavers or 5 milky ways or a couple of slices of roast beef and 3 small roast potatoes. This makes me happy because I like my food.

Pricey, I know it sounds counterintuitive but maybe you need to eat more? You should have more activity pp than me as you're on week 7 and running for longer, so are you using all your points? If not I know it sounds mad but try to use them all as this can help with weight loss, people who use ALL their points (daily, weekly and activity) tend to have better results than those who don't.

If this is not the case and you are using all your points then I'd say have a chat with your ww group leader who can have a look at you plan and maybe give you some advice.

Either way hope you enjoyed your beer, Cheers! :)

bizzyb profile image

Enjoyed the rant, I did c25k last year but only lost 4lbs overall, this time I decided I would follow a food regime as well.

I am doing ww as well, have you signed up? do you go to meetings or just follow by yourself? To me it allows enough food, you shouldn't have to go hungry.

I have an additional rule that I only have carbs twice a day, i.e. if I have cereal for bfast and bread at lunchtime the evening meal must be meat and veg only. Similarly if I want a sandwich for lunch and potatoes with the meal at night I have eggs/no bread for breakfast. This is because regardless of calories I only seem to lose if I control carbs like this. I still get plenty but have to apply this restriction.

Early days ( 4 weeks in) but I have lost some weight (1 week nothing, 1 week 1 pound only) but its ok so far,

One thing I was told that was relevant for me, "if you are hungry all the time you are not eating enough protein" so maybe adjust your eats for this?

Burstcouch profile image

week 5 not a jot of weight loss either. All that hard work and nothing so far. But do feel a bit fitter.

Jenson profile image

i think cutting the booze by 60% is a bit drastic!!

PatButcher profile image

Poor you, I am feeling exactly the same, I have finished c25k about three weeks ago and been watching what I eat but lost nothing, a big fat zero! Soul destroying and totally unfair in my opinion, I feel your pain sister! :( I have decided to eat what I want in moderation as dieting doesn't bloody work for me, when I'm happier it seems to come off anyway :) Don't be disheartened though, carry on til the end as it does improve your fitness, your body will tone up ( I am still waiting for this though) and your confidence will soar ;) Keep going .

I hated WW bloody boring eating the same old crappy diet food week in week out, we need real food, just be sensible and the weight will come off, Christ listen to me, do all these things and I'm still waiting! BUT most people seem to lose it just by clicking their fingers :( God I'm blabbing now, just wanted to let you know you are not alone :) xxx

Pellertheheller profile image

I graduated 3 weeks ago from C25K so have been at this for 12 weeks. Since graduating have been running every other day, never less than 30 mins but normally 5k and sometimes 6k. Have not lost an ounce despite eating no different to normal BUT I feel somehow sleeker and more toned even if no weight loss. I have about 4 stone to lose so have just re-started a complete meal replacement programme (did it a few years ago) so am hoping that once the weight is off the running will assist me to maintain it.

Pricey profile image

ha ha thanks everyone for your replies, patbutcher u are as good a winger as me I think! it's dare I say, nice to know I'm not the only one not losing anything (although poo for all u lot), like pay said some people seem to snap their fingers and they lose weight (well its probably because they were lazy chip munchers before I rekon). Anyway I do feel slightly narrower so I can at least now hide behind a elephant and be hidden! lol see the beer has kicked in, I feel much happier about being the size of a small rhino! (note I said small). Much love peeps, keep it up and look out for my next installments of despair! oh ps. did any of u remember the flump episode with the cloud???

Misstrolly profile image
MisstrollyGraduate in reply to Pricey

I do remember the flump episode. It was the little brown one called perkin. It was one of my favourite programmes as a kid. They don't make kids programmes like they used to!! ;)

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