So I finally decided that I was well enough to run today. I felt a lot better even though I still had a slight cough but I had decided that today was going to be the day! I didn't want to fall behind. I started off quite optimistic, not feeling too bad but then as I progressed it was getting harder to breathe. First 10 mins went past and i had only run 1.1km (according to but i powered on through. It got to 15 mins and I was starting to feel a bit sick but still kept going! and then Laura finally said it was over, and instead of feeling the elation of completing 20 minutes running, i had a sneezing and coughing fit. But I have done it! A lot slower than i would of liked but I'm putting that down to not being able to breathe. An hour later and I'm feeling almost completely normal, so tomorrow i shall be starting W6R1 and to be honest even after today's run I'm looking forward to it
It probably wasn't the best idea ... but i hav... - Couch to 5K
It probably wasn't the best idea ... but i have completed W5R3!!!

well done
this is the run that makes you believe the program is possible & you did it. woohoo
Congratulations for getting out even when it wasn't the best idea

Well done you. I, too, have just done Run 3 of Week 5 and am feeling v pleased with myself. Looking forward to Week 6.

Well done! Fantastic! Doesn't it feel great!

Well done!

Well done KittyCatt. Make sure you don't over do it.
I am still not well enough to start again but hopefully soon. Treated myself to some shorts nada couple of shirts today in readiness...
Thank you! I am in desperate need of some shorts. I was running in tracky bottoms earlier and I was so hot. Then again i would rather not have my legs on show ... ah what a dilemma!


Well done! I've just completed the same run today - crikey it was hard!

thank you everyone!! now its just week 6 ...